Friday, March 5, 2010

mad as a hatter...

Lance took me to see Alice in Wonderland tonight... It was brilliant. Loved every bit of it... Loved the 3D, loved Johnny Depp, loved the "tweedles," loved Alice...

And I love how it forces us lame, grown adults to use our imagination a little bit. We can actually set aside the boring, no-nonsense, rigid routine of life and immerse ourselves in a world where flowers can talk, hatters are mad, and rabbits tell time. In a world where the impossible suddenly seems possible.

"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."


  1. Jules - Any chance I could sneak this one past Claire? Sometimes we try and take her to the movies. We aren't rude to other viewers...we usually catch the earliest showing on a weekday. Anyways, she was good for a few flicks, but we haven't taken her in a really long time. I am just curious if you think this is SUPER grown up, or the colors and action might keep the kid interested..?? As a point of reference, she loves to watch Yo Gaba Gaba (do you know this show? YOU would LOVE it), Dora the Explorer, and The Fresh Beat Band. Yes, I am a bad mother and let her watch the boob tube. ;0)
    Miss you!

  2. psshhh... bad mother... puuhhleeasee. i would say it would be okay to take claire to see Alice... tons of color. there are a couple of parts that i would think might be a little "scary" to young children, but i think claire is little enough that it might not phase her.... all that being said- i'm no mama and don't want to be held responsible for any baby nightmares. i miss you terribly and really want to plan a trip out west soon. XOXO

  3. I cannot wait to see it! Just waiting on OHB to get back in town and I am there.
