Tuesday, April 13, 2010

massive garage sale... 4 more days

That's right, only 4 more days until the most massive, insanely huge, ridiculously ginormous GARAGE SALE takes place. I have been feverishly organizing and pricing all sorts of interesting treasures. Currently, my garage is a conglomeration of stuff we downsized from our old house and a some things from my mother-in-law's. THERE IS A LOT OF STUFF.

In addition to what I posted last week, here are a few more items you can expect to find:

-headboard/footboard for full size bed
-curtains (shower and window)
-accessories galore... jewelry, headbands, sunglasses
-ridiculous amount of kitchen items
-office supplies

And we are still planning on opening the garage door Friday evening around 6ish for friends & family. Start getting excited.


  1. Okay...I want to come to the sale! I don't think I can justify a 6 hour drive even for an Arthur Court tray?? (is that what I see with the grapes???)
    Anyway...good luck-hope you sell tons!!

  2. I'm so jealous of you. I want to do a "moving sale" so bad, but I have to pack instead. Have fun!

  3. If you were't on the other side of the country I'd give you all my crap to add to the sale! I don't even want money - I just want it gone. I hate doing garage sales so we are going to just take it all to Goodwill. Good luck!

  4. Julia,
    I want to come to your yard sell SO BAD!
    Give me the details, I don't know where you live. But it looks like you have some fantastic stuff!
    -Emilee Campbell

  5. How fun are your giraffe plates? Love them! I'm sure you will sell tons. Good luck!
