Sunday, April 18, 2010

massive garage sale... done.

That's right folks... the most massive, insanely huge, ridiculously ginormous GARAGE SALE is done. Finito. No more. Finished. And I am proud to say it was a huge success! We probably had over 20 people show up for "preview night" on Friday, then had a nice steady stream of hard-core yard salers come by all day Saturday.

A few highlights...

The accessory table went from this:

To this:

Which could possibly be because Mr. Duck needed to make a few purchases...

One of my favorite shirts from college was transfered from one faithful owner to another...
(Funny story here: Not sure if you can tell in the picture, but this shirt has a photo of me and my good friend Rachel on it... But my friend Kim thought it would be funny if she bought this shirt at my yard sale. She jokingly said she was going to wear it to church the next day... but it turns out, she wasn't joking! It was hilarious... Kim waltzed into our Sunday School class not only wearing my boots, my necklace, and my sunglasses... but the famous red shirt too. Love it.)

And finally... the best part of having a massive garage sale:

This garage sale business is hard work, I tell ya.


  1. glad it was a success. i see you are sporting your toms. i had them on my birthday list i created a while back after wearing mere's one day. can't wait to get mine in! they are so comfortable.

  2. I love the picture of my babies! They loved that duck too!

  3. great post. that photo of jj, pippy & mr. duck is hilarious! also love you relaxing in your toms...thanks for letting me slip yours on. Now if I can decide what color to get!

  4. You are so funny. Only you would be able to make a garage sale look like boutique shopping! Love it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love it glad it was a huge success. I can't wait to partake in my new treasures. love the pictures. Especially the relaxing one

  7. darn- Hate i missed the big sale!!! love the new shoes & love that it was a huge success for you!

  8. -- stopping and smelling the flowers lives on!!
    I'm heartbroken you gave it away!
    Nicely done on the sales - I'm not sure how you had so many sunglasses and such, but glad the Duck now has some.
    Now for a shopping spree with the $$ ?

  9. thanks for sending me this post. i love how you displayed your jewelry! any good tips on how to price stuff??
