Sunday, June 6, 2010

next chapter... kentucky.

That's right blogland... next stop... Louisville, KY. Lance and I are making the big move early August... which I keep reminding myself is not very far from now. (Note to self: start collecting boxes for the move).

So, some of you might be wondering, "Why Kentucky? Why Louisville?" Simple. One word... Seminary. Yep, you heard right... Lance will be attending The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) in the fall. This decision has been something Lance has gone back and forth on for years now. He is such a gifted speaker and so passionate about teaching that sometimes seminary just seems to be the next logical step... but then Lance would always seem to talk himself out of it. But God continued to put it in front of us, eventually to where we couldn't ignore it anymore.

So, at the beginning of August, we will pack up the big U-haul and drive 6+ hours to our new home. Now, I have only been to Louisville once in my entire life, and that was just a month ago for the one weekend that Lance and I went to check out the seminary campus. From what I can tell, I think I will really love Louisville... it has the small town feel with a young eclectic urban twist. Think Nashville-meets-Birmingham.

In two weeks we will make the trip to Louisville again... this time to hopefully find an adorable (yet very affordable) 2BR rental in one of the trendy neighborhoods near campus. This might pose as a potential challenge... as we will definitely be downsizing, and have an extremely tight budget... but yet, we (as in I) still seem to have expensive taste. Our budget really seems to say 1BR, but since I will be working from home all flippin' day I would really like to have some type of office space (hence, the 2BR). In all reality, the 2BR is probably crucial to my sanity... as will be lunches out of the house. I will keep you all posted on the 'perfect rental search.'

This new chapter will mark the first time that Lance and I will live in a city without any family nearby. For the first 6 years of our marriage, we have always lived close by to all of Lance's family... this definitely has it's advantages (delicious homemade meals), but I have to say there is a part of me that is looking forward to it just being us... just us two... figuring it all out on our own. However, there is also a part of me that is absolutely terrified by this idea. Lance and I have some of the most incredible friends here... friends that are irreplaceable. And to be quite honest, I'm not sure if we can make it without them... which means everyone better start planning their trips to the Kentucky Derby :)

So, in the near future you can expect to see this blog evolve into... my thoughts on a new city... my failures as a 'seminary wife'... and the joys of new adventures. Hang on blogland, it's going to be a wild ride.


  1. so excited to go along on the journey with you both. i'll be praying for you both as you prepare for this big move. i'll pray specifically for the search for a suitable 2BR for you guys!

    okay...i got ready to post and my word verification was 'grace' i can't remember a time when i got an actual word rather than just a jumbled mess...anyway, i'm sure it is a message that God's grace will be evident to you both in your transition.

  2. oh! i wondered when you were going to post about the big move! matt was kinda taken aback when lance called him and told him a few weeks ago. we are excited for ya'll...sounds like an exciting adventure is ahead! we definitely need to come visit ya'll in the sham before you move! how long will he be in seminary?

  3. EXCITING! Love me some Louisville. I hope it will provide as many great memories for you and Lance as it did for me and Ross. Oh, and just to prepare you, it's 'seminary widow'. Just kidding, sortof.

  4. I am so excited for y'all! It is always an adventure to start off on your own again with just the hubby. I miss that so much about the military. I will be praying for you both!

  5. yay for yall! You will be a wonderful seminary wife. I've already started working on lunch dates for you! xoxo

  6. So exciting!! I'm so happy for you but sad that you will be leaving. I hope we can visit :)

  7. i am so excited for you both in this new adventure!

  8. That's so exciting! You won't be too far from Knoxville, you know!? Actually a couple from our seminary is moving to Louisville in just a few weeks...maybe I can help ya'll meet them (though they won't be at the seminary).
