Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a sad day for the prius...

Today marked a very sad day for our little 2005 Toyota Prius. Today, my friends, the battery died. And when I say battery... I mean the real battery. Every Prius has two batteries... one regular battery (just like any regular engine car) and one TOTAL-LIFE-SUPPORT-OF-YOUR-CAR-BATTERY. The latter one is the one that died...
And go figure... the warranty on the battery was good up until 150,000 miles, my Prius just hit 161,000 miles the other day. Totally sucks. This is typically a $3,000 plus replacement, but Lance is trying to find a refurbished battery that hopefully will only cost about $1,500. I say the word "only" very loosely here.

But... I did get to pimp the Denali to work today. How awesome is that? And how HUGE is that? This thing could swallow my little Prius whole.


  1. That sucks. My dad is obsessed with the Prius. My parents have three of them (cause two people need three of them, right?, but they have yet to deal with a dead battery. Good luck!

  2. So sad about the Prius but at least like you said you got to pimp the Denali. Yea for Hayward!
    Sounds like your Prius will get much needed rest though in Louisville!
