Sunday, June 27, 2010

what i've been working on...

I spent the better part of my weekend putting together my very own website for Black Tag Photography. It has been a labor of love, and I have to say, I'm feeling pretty good about it so far. My goal was to have some type of website put together before I photograph my second wedding on July 10th. Goal accomplished.

You can go check out the new site yourself if you would like...

I am also attempting to set up a Facebook Fan page. So, here's my shameless plug for that... "Be a fan of Black Tag Photography, and tell all of your friends!"

Okay, no more... I promise.


  1. look at you, Mrs. Professional! amazing! meanwhile, I managed to cook dinner & send my man off to work...oh, and take a shower. Does that count? Way proud of you.

  2. p.s.
    i was also a copycat today...

  3. Awesome work!! Love the website :)

  4. Julia...just saw the website...GREAT and I'm honored that my boys are a part of it! You did a wonderful job!! I'll cherish those few moments you were able to capture of my little guys! Thanks so you girl!!!
