Thursday, August 19, 2010

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Mark's Feed Store. Lance and I ate at this really cool Louisville BBQ joint on my first night. It was nice to know there was still some Southern comfort food available. Mark's Feed Store is local to Louisville and they might be best known for their Sweet "Fried" Corn on the Cob. Brilliant, no?

2) A seminary ID card. This is one of the perks of being a seminary wife. I get my very own ID card, which basically gives me access to everything on campus. You name it, I get to do it... for free.

3) My very own Super Target. There is a brand spankin' new Target super-duper close to my house. Like 5 minutes, max. This could be a very dangerous thing...


  1. oooooh hello new fancy schmancy Super Target! Be careful =)

    So what sorts of free goodies do you get?

  2. jealous about the target! you know, hab has a feed store too...but all they sell is feed and plants! miss you guys.

  3. i just gasped out loud! that super target is lovely and yes, very dangerous! the fried corn on the cob sounds a bit dangerous too, but hooray for local food joints!

    glad you found some good "perks" in your new hometown!

    and yes, I'm curious too about the free goodies for seminary wives??

  4. Love the Super Target! Oooh...I bet the campus has a mac-daddy gym.

  5. Super Target is very dangerous. I visit ours at least twice a week!!

  6. Hey...I never got a wife seminary ID card?!?!?!? what's up with that?!?!!? haha

  7. i haven't been in Target (regular, super or otherwise) since we moved from Alabama...can you say withdrawal?!? missin' you.

  8. Jealous about the Target. I would be broke it there was one five minutes away. I have heard that Bar-b-que get better as you head to those middle states. Glad you got a taste of some that was good. So glad ya'll are adjusting. You are defintely missed here.

  9. I'm glad you're still finding things to be thankful for so far away from God's country :) Shop at Target for me! Want me to post you a link to the Southern Savers Target sales?
