Friday, September 3, 2010

happy 80th birthday nana & pop!!!

That's my Nana and Pop. They are awesome. Really. The absolute best. And today is my Pop's 80th birthday. I know, right... would have never guessed! And Nana will be 80 this October. I know, I know... I have one smokin' hot Nana. I am just hoping and praying that I got her genes.

My Nana and Pop hold a very special place in my heart. I remember living in Corpus Christi, TX and making the 4 hour drive to visit them in Houston... I was probably 5 or 6. I told my Nana, "I wish we just lived next door to each other. Then we could both stand at our front doors and just wave to each other."

And what do ya know... a few years later, my family moved to Houston, TX... right across the street from Nana and Pop!! And just in case that wasn't good enough, during my freshman year of college, both my parents and my Nana and Pop all moved to a new neighborhood... right next door from each other!

I loved growing up this way. I frequently stayed the night at Nana and Pop's... where they would "spoil me rotten." Nana would paint my nails and put little designs on them... Pop would tell me to eat my vegetables because it "would put hair on my chest" (which, I'm pretty sure is why I still don't eat my veggies). They would take me to Luby's and let me get as much macaroni and mashed potatoes as I wanted... and lots of dessert. I'm pretty certain I got my shoe fetish from Nana and my sweet tooth from Pop.

I still love to sit at their house when I visit Houston. We chat about all kinds of things. They constantly support and encourage me in everything I do... They love my husband... They still "spoil me rotten..." They always created an environment where I understood that family was important and valued... and for that I will forever be grateful.

Tonight, to celebrate my Nana and Pop's 80th birthdays, my entire family will be meeting up at Red Fish (this restaurant deserves a post all on it's own). I am a little sad (and jealous) that we won't be there for the big party... but we still send our love and hugs! Happy birthday Nana and Pop! We love you!


  1. I'm sad you wont be there too! We'll miss you, but maybe I'll call you and we can pretend your there. Love and miss you!!!

  2. Oh sweetie, let me get the kleenex... What a wonderful tribute to your Nana and Pop. We will miss you tonight and like Melissa said we will get in will probably be a d-dial from all of us at the same time. That is code for you know what!

  3. John and Janice Leslie--the birthday guys!September 3, 2010 at 11:34 AM

    What a wonderful tribute! Thank you so much.

    Janice and I have decided to make a toast to you and Lance tonight--in memory of times past and a future blessed by God. You two are embarked on a journey that is guaranteed to change the lives of many people (you two, your friends--you know, the ones you "stalk"--and others whose names you do not now know).

    Being 80 doesn't mean slowing down...for us it means getting started on another great adventure, one we'll be taking with friends, family, and people we don't yet know. Expanding our universe takes strange turns--I have recently started a new learning, that of the "Community of Christ" as taught by the Benedictine Monks of the Episcopalian Church. Hard work, but a great experience. Nana is as busy as ever (she's excited about seeing the new piece of jewelry she'll be getting tonight!). You caused her to tear up when she read your blog. She remembers painting your and Melissa's toes, of shopping and spending time in "girl talk."
    And, as you can imagine, Nana still gets turned on when the word, "shopping," is mentioned. Hurry back to Houston so the two of you can get your "retail therapy!"

    Thanks again for the birthday greetings and the picture. We love you.

  4. What a sweet post! I am quite certain you got your Nana's genes! Love the bowtie...

  5. I remember eating snacks at their house after school when we were little :)

    - Molly
