Tuesday, October 12, 2010

top 2 tuesday

My good friend over at Tales From the Fairy Dust has been participating in "Top 2 Tuesdays" (from the Undomestic Momma) for a few weeks now. Even though it's barely Tuesday anymore, I figured I'd jump in on this one... because it's show me your top 2 favorite places in your home!

Since our new place is literally the size of a small shoe box, picking out my 2 favorite spots wasn't too hard...

1) Our living room. (slash dining room, slash TV room, slash...) We really lucked out with the pretty blue paint color on the walls, as it was already up when we moved in. The rug was a great find from Lowes... The adorable bird pillow was from TJ Maxx... The black & white photos on the wall are pictures I took in a photography class in college... The mirrored coffee table was from some random furniture store in Birmingham, AL that I painted black.

2) My office. I figured I should probably really like my office set up, since I spend pretty much all flippin' day sitting at this desk. We even bought a fancy ergonomic office chair... nice huh? The office chair was purchased at Overstock.com... The desk is from IKEA, (it is actually 2 units, but we put both desks on one shelving unit and used the other set of shelves elsewhere)... The bulletin board is from TJ Maxx... and the awesome framed yellow quote can be found in Elise's shop. {don't mind the post-it notes and lint roller... oh, and how do you like Lance's desk chair? He got the shaft on that one for sure.}

So, welcome to Top 2 Tuesday! I think this might stick around...


  1. Love, Love, Love it!! Love seeing your space :) I think we need a photo tour of the new casa. The matching desk spaces are adorable.

  2. I too, love the new place. The paint color in the living room is fantastic. Super cute home.

  3. I found your blog on Undomesticated Momma. I love the paint color in your living room and your office is super cute!

  4. Well, you have to have a lint roller when you have a kitty cat on you or your desk 24/7! I get it, just lint roll the cat and maybe that will solve the problem...heehee. I can't laugh too hard since I have cat problems of my own!
    Of course, I love your SPACES!

  5. love the little peek into the spaces of your new home. i expected no less, but you have made it simply adorable! thanks for sharing with us!
