Thursday, November 18, 2010

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Upcoming holidays. Specifically some days off work. This time of year I always seem to get so frazzled... with the shopping... traveling... gift wrapping... But I am so thankful that I am able to take a few days off work to slow down and enjoy my time with family and friends. I am looking forward to sleeping in a few days, eating, maybe catching a holiday movie, and then eating some more.

2) Community. As in, our Community Group. At the new church we have recently joined they strongly encourage community groups... which is basically a group from the church that you meet with once a week that live near one another. It is a beautiful time of fellowship where we can encourage and challenge one another. I am so thankful for the new friends we have made in this group.

3) Christmas shopping. I absolutely love giving gifts. Anyone that knows me can attest to this. I love everything about gift giving... selecting the gift, the entire wrapping process, and seeing the receiver's expression as they open the gift. So you can imagine that I get pretty excited about the Christmas shopping season. We are on a super tight budget this year, so I have been challenged to think outside the box a little... thinking more handmade... more personal. Any ideas?


  1. It is so nice to send handmade notecards! I love it when I get a really nice handwritten note from you! I remember one holiday, having nothing to give other than words - and it was appreciated so much. For example, Courtney and Claire - this holiday season I am giving you the gift of friendship. It's so important to have people you can trust, love and depend on. I am that person for you! :)
    Or, you can send "hope" or "peace" or anything you think that person needs. I also think you are great at giving thanks to people by letting them know how much they mean to you and why. That would be like a double bonus!
    Anyways, mark us off the list for any shopping - we cannot wait for our note from Auntie Julia!
    We love you so much! Xoxo

  2. Sew Mama Sew does a new blog post full of hand crafted gift tutorials (some require no or only very basic sewing) each day in the month of November!

  3. Julia, you are so crafty that you can create anything that anyone would love. The vintage wreath would be a great gift. The notecard idea above would also be awesome. Sigh...if only I were crafty.

  4. I am so ready for sometime off work!! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. oh and thanks for your comment!!! you are so sweet :) I went to high school in Houston :) small world!!
