Sunday, December 12, 2010

weekend festivities...

Here's what we were up to this weekend...

On Thursday, our friends Molly & Justin were in town to start my weekend off earlier than normal... I picked Molly up for a lunch date at Dooley's (the awesome pretzel place I talked about in the previous post). Our friend Allie met us on her lunch break as well... conversation swirled over yummy pretzel sandwiches, ranging from cold weather attire, to Molly's upcoming move to NY, to the circle of friends, to Fubu boots... no conversation is off limits when eating pretzel sandwiches.

Then Thursday night we met back up with Justin & Molly, John & Allie... and our new friends, Jason & Rachel (they moved from Louisville just as we moved to Louisville... I'm still a little bitter about this). We, along with the kiddos, ate dinner at Homerun Burgers... I'm in love with their cajun fries.

We then pulled a late night in the (ahem) classy (yet very empty) hotel bar where Jason & Rachel were staying. I have not laughed that much in a very.long.time. Seriously. My cheeks hurt, I think I peed in my pants a little, and before I knew it, it was nearly 2:00am. A great night.

Friday I put in a hard day's work (swear)... and then we were off to a birthday dinner for this special friend. We went to Jenny's favorite restaurant, Erika's German Restaurant... and I'm so glad we did... it was amazing. I almost felt like I was back in Waldkraiburg eating with co-workers. I had the jaegerschnitzel and spatzle... so delicious.

Saturday was fabulous. I slept in ridiculously late... like-a-high-schooler-wasting-away-their-summer-late... and it felt so good. Lance and I caught the afternoon showing of Voyage of the Dawn Treader... I strongly recommend. For dinner, we stepped into Martini's Italian Restaurant, which was the perfect cozy spot to escape the cold and the rain.

Today was equally fabulous... we woke up to a snow-covered ground, headed to church, then back home for Italian leftovers and a lazy day of ABC Family Christmas movies and chocolate chip cookies.

Could not have asked for a better weekend... What about you??


  1. What a fun, happy, cozy weekend :) Glad you enjoyed yourself!

  2. i think that sounds like a dream weekend. i too have been stalking ABC family movies. you might want to check the hallmark channel also. try to find "the night they saved christmas." i just watched it for the first time this weekend. it was made in the 80's, which is my favorite decade for christmas movies as it brings back childhood nostalgia. it was soooo good.

  3. I need to bake some cookies! You aren't too far from me, I'm up here in Cincy.
