Friday, February 11, 2011

from the bottom of my {paper} heart

Nothing like a little Valentine's Day craft project to boost your spirits... And this one literally took me 20 minutes, no lie. ...And it cures seasonal depression (well, at least until the next snowfall).

All you need is a simple frame (mine just happened to be a shadow box-ish type frame that I've had for years), some scraps of pretty paper, a heart-shaped paper punch (I bought mine at Joann's a few years ago), and some adhesive. That's it.

Start by punching out a bunch little hearts. I just happened to find this really fun definition paper, and without really meaning to, I ended up punching out some cute little words and phrases.

I punched all of my hearts out in the black definition paper, then one heart in the red. But of course, you can do whatever your little heart desires (no pun intended... okay, it was).

I gently folded my little hearts to give them a slight 3D feel. Then I just started placing my hearts within my matted frame. I used a 4x6 opening, which perfectly fit 15 little hearts.

Once I decided where all of my little hearts would go, I used my adhesive to stick them in place. I really only used adhesive on one side of the heart, so they could have that 3D look... almost like they were fluttering on the page. Then, at the last second, I decided to add a little pop dot to the back of the red heart, to really make that little guy stand out.

And TAH-DAH!!! 20 minutes later, I have this! I love it.

And it looks adorable on the little wall space right when you walk in the front door. How cute would this be with a little butterfly punch for spring?? Might have to try that next...

What about you? Tried out any V-day craft ideas this year?


  1. I love, great use of what you had. Very nice to see coming in your house I'm sure.

  2. So cute, amazing what a little imagination can do..and as you said anything to cure these winter blues! Nice job!

  3. Ahh! I love this! Cute as a button.

    I, too, claim seasonal depression. I am vitamin D deprived and seriously craving some sunshine.

  4. Very creative! I have V-day crafts in store, but seeing as though it is Monday I guess I'll have to do them throughout the year and see if I can put them up next year!

  5. CUTE CUTE CUTE! What a great idea. :)

  6. very cute. . .it would make a fun card too!

  7. What a cute craft idea! I found you from Melissa's blog and am a new follower!

  8. Its so cute and simple, but I never would have thought of it. You are so creative. Happy Valentines day!

  9. Super cute! I love that it is so simple yet so fun and cute!

  10. Oh this is fun! You could leave it up all the time and not just for Valentines. Super cute!

  11. If only I had an ounce of your creativity I would be in good shape. It is super cute!

  12. this is super cute, but of course that doesn't surprise me. i did manage to hand-make the boys' valentines for exchange at school this year so maybe i'll take a snap shot and share. thanks for the cute inspiration. oh, and i think it would be sooo cute with butterflies in the spring!
