Monday, February 28, 2011

monday, monday

I'm visiting my office in Atlanta this week... and my desk looks exactly how I feel. Overloaded. Unsettled. Busy. You know... Monday.

My office has recently undergone some major renovations... which is a good thing. Because, well... let's just be honest... it was plain ugly before. But because they are still finishing some of the renovations, I am not sitting where I will normally be. I feel very displaced. My stuff is everywhere... I can't find my sticky notes (had to steal my co-worker's)... Paperclips? Have no idea... And I finally dug out a highlighter at the bottom of one my boxes. Fun times.

Sigh. Monday, Monday...


  1. Whoa. whoa whoa. Hold the phone. Just whose sticky notes did you steal? Just kidding...Next time cubeland like the cool peeps!

  2. Your desk looks like mine, and sadly, my office has finished moving around..

  3. I should take a picture of my desk to make you feel better. It's buried under two week old book reports I'm going to grade sometime this week. Really, I am.

  4. I hear ya! I had to stay late to unbury my desk today!
