Monday, February 14, 2011

valentine's day for married people...

Valentine's day is different when you are married. It just is.

You're settled in. Expectations change. Things get comfortable. It's that unique state of complacency and contentment in your relationship.

If you are married... your Valentine's Day might have looked a little something like this...

1) You booked your Valentine's date two days before February 14th... just so you wouldn't have to fight the crowds.

2) Your conversation on the way to dinner was about flossing... no, seriously, it was.

3) Your Valentine's gift to him was a pillow... yes... a pillow.

4) His Valentine's gift to you was an iPhone case.

5) You are still madly in love with each other... despite items 1-4.

Which is really a little something like this...

1) You booked your Valentine's date two days before February 14th... just so he could take you to one of Louisville's finest restaurants.

2) Your conversation on the way to dinner was about flossing... and how much you love his smile.

3) Your Valentine's gift to him was a pillow {but a flippin' awesome pillow}... and a really sweet box full of love letters, pictures and mementos that tell the story of your relationship.

4) His Valentine's gift to you was an iPhone case... {a really cute houndstooth one} and a heart-shapped cookie cake... all of which he bought with his hard earned tip money from his new job.

5) You are still madly in love with each other... because of items 1-4.

Marriage... that beautiful mix of complacency and contentment.


  1. cute post! sounds like you had a wonderful valentines day!!

  2. Oh, this is so beautiful!

    Thank you for being one of the people in this world striving to keep marriage a precious thing and full of Love. You're very important inspiration for those of us following in your footsteps. :)

  3. Aww :) Love that you guys had a beautiful, simple Valentine's Day :)

  4. hehe.. glad you had a nice day! Love me some cookie cake!

  5. will you please send me a piece of your cookie cake? they have been my craving this pregnancy!!!! and that picture just made it worse. thanks lance.

  6. So true! The only thing I'd add is that the more years you're married, the less and less you do/require on Valentine's Day. The simple fact that you remember it is enough.

  7. i was thinking of poor april as soon as i saw that yummy cookie cake. too bad you are all the way in louisville or i know you could count on her to help you polish it off!

  8. This was a refreshingly realistic approach to married Valentines. Our kids were aghast when asked about our Valentine's. "I made sugar cookies and your dad's favorite salad." To which they asked what their dad had done for me. Nothing. We read the paper, enjoyed our dinner. Thought about an upcoming holiday. It was enough.

  9. Adorable post! Hope you guys enjoyed your Valentine's day!

  10. awe...what a sweet Vday! I'm loving the picture of the wedding ring on the Bible...Frame that one!!
