Tuesday, March 15, 2011

top 2 tuesday

It's been a while since I've joined in with Taylor and friends for a Top 2 Tuesday... This week is "Top 2 Random Facts About You"...

1) I have an obsession with books. Reading them... notsomuch. Really just buying them. I could spend hours and hours in a cozy bookstore. Don't get me wrong... I do read occassionally... just not nearly fast enough to keep up with my overflowing bookshelf.

2) I drink tomato juice on airplanes. Practically every flight. I'm not really sure why... I hardly ever drink it otherwise. But on plane, it's a staple... tomato juice, hold the ice. I think it's rather odd that they even offer tomato juice... but they do. Always an option. Right there along with coke and sprite. Strange, no?

What about you? What are your Top 2 Random Facts? Head on over to the Undomestic Momma and link up!


  1. Just stopping by from Top Two Tuesday to say hello. Tomato juice.. not my favorite. I love books too! Have a great week!

  2. Visting from TTT. I also get tomato juice every time I fly- but I like mine with ice! ;)

  3. That's so funny about the tomato juice! As a kid, I always drank sprite when I would fly, and even now when I drink it, it reminds me of being on an airplane.

    Stopping over from Taylor's blog :)


  4. So here's the question... do you always go with the standard tomato juice, or do you ever feel a little adventurous and choose the spicy tomato juice? Every now and then I pick spicy, just to keep the flight attendants on their toes. If I don't go with tomato juice, then I pick ginger ale - something else I drink only while riding 35,000 feet above the earth.
