Wednesday, April 6, 2011

black tag diaries first ever giveaway!!!

In light of my recent bird whispering skills (see post below) and the fact that I recently hit 100 followers (ummm... wow), I have decided to have my first ever giveaway!!

And in true bird-whispering fashion, I am giving one lucky reader their very own copy of Ann Lamott's Bird by Bird. You may remember me talking about how awesome this book was a few days ago. The subtitle of this book is "Some instructions on writing and life." But don't think this book is only meant for aspiring writers... not so. This book is so much more. It is a great read for anyone wanting practical ideas for improving their writing, ways to enrich your personal journaling, and even your blog writing. In true Ann Lammot fashion, there are witty remarks and funny chapters titled "Shitty First Drafts." I promise, you will not be disappointed.

Along with the Bird by Bird copy, I will also throw in a beautiful Book Notes journal. This journal has tons of pages for your book log, a list of the classics, and a place to list all of those novels you hope to get around to reading one day. And it's just pretty.

Soooo... to enter the giveaway you simply need to be a follower of Black Tag Diaries and leave a comment below telling me what your favorite book is. That's it. Simple as that. I will select a winner this Sunday (April 10th).


  1. Yea for 100 followers!! AND a giveaway!! That book sounds awesome and I love journals of any kind! My favorite book is probably Redeeming Love. SO good!

  2. congrats on reaching the big 100! this is a great giveaway. maybe if i win this journal it'll be a good excuse to start writing in one again! my favorite book... mmmm..i love screwtape letters by c.s. lewis.

  3. You're a rockstar! :) Congratulations on the big 1-0-0!
    I'm sure the books are awesome, but I would totally take that bird in the first picture as a consolation prize. PRETTY PLEASE!
    Or at least share with me where you found such a treasure.
    Miss you Julia!

  4. It's spring break for us and I have extra time this week to read this is the second time today I've read your posts! Congratulations on 100 followers!! WooHOO! I'm an avid reader so for me to name my favorite book is quite a challenge.....I have lots of favorite authors...Francine Rivers, favorite Christian author; Stuart Woods, favorite mystery author; Nicolas Sparks and Barbara Delinksy favorite quick read authors....I read professionally too. One book that I think about a lot is the Outliers, by Malcom Gladwell. I also think about the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. I'm currently reading Pull by John Hagel III and Teaching Digital Natives by Mark Prensky. Both are great books and helping me to understand shifts I need to make in my current work. I think one of your followers suggested Redeeming Love as a favorite book. I think I'll second that one. Francine Rivers is an awesome author.

  5. My favourite book?!? I have to pick ONE??? Holy Moses...Pride and Prejudice...Madam Bovary...A Prayer for Owen Meany...A Passage to India...Jane Eyre...A Man for All Seasons (okay, that one's a play, but still)...there is no way I could pick just one book, my friend. You'll have to settle for the list I just gave you ;)

  6. Just discovered your blog and think it's lovely! Favourite book would have to be The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. Keep up with your happy writing!! :)

  7. The Last Lecture and Gone With The Wind.

  8. I'm a follower! My favorite book is Message in a Bottle. Cheesy girl novel, but I love it! :)

  9. Congratulations! :) I'm happy to say I'm one of the 100 followers. My favorite book is "The Heroin Diaries" by Nikki Sixx.

  10. Awesome giveaway! I'm a follower, of course, and I am a "Pride and Prejudice" kind of girl! :)

  11. Favorite book lately has been Wild Swans by Jung Chang. Classics though... Les Miserable-Victor Hugo.

  12. toss up between the secret life of bees and the poisonwood bible. :) congrats on your 100! when i grow up, i want to have 100 blog followers too.

  13. Loving that you've hit 100. Do you wonder who all those people are? And love this giveaway. Hope I win, because otherwise I'll be investing in this myself. My favorite book is a toss up between Anne of Green Gables and the Little House series. Hard to pick which one made my 9 yr old self want to be a writer more.

  14. Wow! 100 followers is awesome. This blog is going places, I tell ya! My favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye. I've always loved that.

  15. Hmmm... my favorite book. That's a toughie, lately I've been all about the Hunger Games series!

  16. I would have to say my all time favorite book is The Phantom Tollbooth!

  17. My current favorite book (it changes frequently) is The Perfect Husband by Lisa Gardner.
    Thanks so much for the chance.

