Tuesday, May 10, 2011

first class is like heaven

Okay... so probably not. I'm sure heaven smells better and has even better service. And you probably don't have to use those tiny-closet-like bathrooms. But let me just say... that compared to economy seating... flying first class is like heaven.

When Lance and I flew back to Louisville on Sunday, we got bumped up. Well, actually he got bumped up, but being the fabulous husband that he is, he couldn't bear to to leave me back there all alone in the zoo of economy travelers and invited me to sit with him:) It.was.amazing.

I think this was the first time that Lance or I have flown first class. The seats triple in size... the flight attendants call you by name... you get to have as many snacks as you want... and, oh yes, the drinks...
Bloody Mary on my 10:00am flight? Don't mind if I do.

It was wonderful. It almost made me wish my 52 minute flight was longer.

PS... if you are ever considering flying anywhere on Derby weekend, consider flying the opposite direction in-and-out of Louisville. There wasn't a soul on our flight... which explains our first class upgrade... but it was so fun landing in Louisville and seeing all of the women carrying their Derby hats around the airport... some just draped over suitcases... some in plastic bags... and some in giant couture hat boxes. I can't wait to go next year.


  1. How fun! I've only been in first class once and it was amazing! A girl could get use to that kind of treatment!

  2. This is so cute. Sounds like fun.....and like you deserved it and mostly that you enjoyed every minute! I bet it was fun checking out all the derby hats....one year I sooo want to be there!!

  3. Yay!! I'm still dreaming about the day I will get bumped up on a 12 hour flight overseas.. ;) This would really be heaven!
    I'm just imagining what would have happened if your hubby just left you in economy.. I'm glad he's one of the good guys! ;)
    xoxo from Germany!

  4. My husband is very tall, so flying is always difficult for him. A few years ago, he was flying somewhere for work, so his flight was paid for. When he checked in, they asked him if he wanted to upgrade to 1st class for $50, and he was like, "Um...where do I sign?" I'm afraid he'll never go coach again.

  5. I love getting bumped to first class...the leg room is heavenly...

  6. I've never flown first class...looks fabulous though!
