Sunday, May 8, 2011

happy mother's day...

she is beautiful.
she is loving.
she makes the best party dip.
she always calls me by my full name.
she loves my dad.
she is funny.
she cherishes family traditions.
she is my best cheerleader.
she always sends me mail.
she is a good listener.
she is my mother.
she is my best friend.

Happy Mother's Day Mama... I love you!


  1. So sweet. Love the picture of the 2 of you.

  2. I totally left you a comment yesterday and it is not on here?? I did it from my phone so maybe there was a glitch?? basically I said...
    Oh my this is so awesome Julia and made my day! I printed it out and put it on my bulletin board. Thanks so much... I have the best daughters in the whole wide world!! LOVE, Mama
