Monday, May 30, 2011

what 7 years looks like...

Lance and I celebrated 7 fabulous years of marriage yesterday. After 7 years, your anniversary looks something a little like this...

::Your amazing husband makes a surprise visit to Georgia so you can celebrate in the same state.

::You share a toothbrush, because he forgot his.

::You get a mani/pedi, while he picks up his repaired fly fishing rod.

::You buy him a $3 DVD.

::You decide on a dinner date at one of your long-time favorite local restaurants.

::You make a stop at Dairy Queen for dessert.

::You watch the $3 DVD you bought him and fall asleep half way through.

Happy anniversary Lance! I love you!


  1. Happy Anniversary! You gotta love when you come to the point in your marriage when sharing a toothbrush is ok! lol!

  2. love this post :) congrats! sounds like a perfect anniversary day to me!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very sweet......obviously a tribute to being totally in love and just "getting each other"....its the best!

  5. Happy Anniversary@ Sounds like a rockin' good time!

  6. absolutely precious! nicely done, lance! glad you were able to squeeze some anniversary celebrating in your busy weekend!
