Thursday, June 30, 2011

thankful thursday {link up} & embrace the camera

{Feel free to join in the Thankful Thursday fun by linking up your own thankful list at the bottom of this post. It's pretty simple... list a few things that you are thankful for this Thursday and link it up below. Grab my button from the side bar and post away! }

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) My husband. I don't say that enough. Marriage is hard sometimes... and sometimes we argue... gasp, I know. But the way he approaches me after any disagreement is so kind. He is humble and forgiving. I hope to be more like him some days. He is such an incredible man and I am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with him as a husband. (this is also this week's embrace the camera photo)

2) Sweet potato fries. Specifically the ones I ate last night. I went to dinner with a girlfriend at the Village Anchor... (a new restaurant for me). The sweet potato fries were AMAZING. They were served with this incredible marshmallow cream dipping sauce that was to-die-for. Trust me on this people. I don't tell lies.

3) To-do lists. Strange, I know. But there is just something so satisfying about crossing things off that list. A good to-do list is about the only way I function most days. Work to-do's... photography to-do's... packing to-do's. Lists on legal pads... lists on post-it notes... lists on napkins... It really doesn't matter much to me, as long as I get it done.


  1. Cute picture of you and you husband! You are so right.... marriage can definitely have is moments, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! :)

  2. Ooooh. We ate sweet potato fries for the first time at home the other night and I inhaled them. Seriously yummy. And your numbers one and three are right on target, too. Great stuff :)

  3. Hey Julia,
    I'm coming to Lville for the first time this weekend, and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions... My email address is, if you want to send me an email & I'll reply. Thanks very much!! :)

  4. Cute photo of you and the hubby. I too love me some sweet potato fries! P.S. Hoping to email you sometime later today with the guest post. :)

  5. How funny that we're both thankful for husbands this week--and I wrote my post before checking out yours :)
    I'll be sending you an email later today.

  6. yumm...sweet potato fries are sooo good. and the marshmallow dipping sauce sounds divine.

    if you get the hankering for a burger when you guys make your trip to the sham later this month check out J.Bo's in downtown clarkesville in the old, old Taylor's. the burgers are fresh and really, really good. and they have really good sweet potato fries!!
