Thursday, June 2, 2011

thankful thursday {link up}

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Wedding-shower-weekend-extravaganza. Tomorrow officially starts Phase 3 of my psycho-three-part-travels. I'm flying to Houston tonight for a full weekend of wedding shower craziness. My sister's wedding isn't until August, but because many of her bridesmaids (and the bride herself) don't live in Houston, we decided to do as much as humanly possible in one weekend for travel purposes. So... this weekend will consist of a bridesmaid luncheon, bridal portraits, a big bridal shower, a lingerie shower... and of course a bachelorette party:) Don't worry... more on all of this later.

2) Watermelon. This is the fruit of the summer. I always forget how much I love watermelon until this time of year. Lance bought a huge watermelon at a local Georgia fruit stand the other day... like real watermelon... you know, the kind with seeds in it. None of this seedless-watermelon crap. We go all out here. We don't settle for anything other than the real deal.

3) A travel break. Well, in a few days anyways... After wedding-shower-weekend-extravaganza I will finally get to spend a few weekends at home. I have been traveling the past 4 out of 5 weekends... and I am soooo excited about a weekend at home... probably by the pool.

What about you? What are you thankful for this Thursday?


  1. YUM watermelon! I hope you have a great time at your sister's bridal events!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend with your sister! Enjoy it. :)

  3. I can't wait to head to the beach & have watermelon! It's my favorite in the summer too.

  4. You are crazy busy! I'm sure the break will be much needed! I love the pic of your watermelon, makes me want some asap! loL!
