Sunday, July 10, 2011

cozy spaces and inviting places :: special guest

I am beyond thrilled about today's guest blogger... it's the fabulous Tina from The Enchanted Home. If you ever wanted to just sit and daydream about what your dream home would look like, just pop over to Tina's blog. Just beware... be prepared to envy and drool over all the gorgeous images she posts for inspiration. I knew she would be the perfect special guest to post about today's topic... Cozy Spaces. Her eye for design is admirable and I can't wait for you to see what she has in store for you today. Be sure to head over to The Enchanted Home and say hi! Enjoy...


Hi! I am Tina from The Enchanted Home and am so happy to be here today. I was honored and thrilled when Julia asked me to guest post for her. I love cozy spaces and inviting places. Who doesn't love to walk into a very welcoming room, either made to feel that way by the way its furnished or it could be the paint color, the lighting, maybe its the view or just the way the entire room is pulled together. Then you add the word cozy and you have perfection. Why are we so drawn to cozy spaces? I remember pondering this when we had our first house, which was a pretty large home and my son had a tiny 5x6 loft in his bedroom. We had a family room,a small play room, a basement and plenty of outdoor options but where did he and his friends congregate? You guessed it.... the teeny tiny loft!

It must take us all the way back to being in the womb and subconsciously it is a peaceful, comfortable and secure feeling to be in a cozy space. Cozy however is not always synonymous with small. You can have large voluminous spaces that feel retain that cozy vibe. Creating that dynamic involves a really trained eye as its more challenging but when achieved its incredible to have the juxtaposition of large and grand but cozy and inviting. So today this is all about cozy and inviting places and spaces...both big and small! This runs the gamut from quaint country to old world splendor...but they all have one thing in common, they invite you in. Would love to know if you have a favorite and what are your secrets for creating a cozy and inviting space?

This is a beautiful guest room/girls room which is made cozy through the beautiful plump bedding, the darker colors and the soft lighting, Southern Accents

Don;t know if its the dark brown walls but this dining room is the perfect combination of elegance and cozy

Dominique Vorillon

Coziness..western style! The rich warm woods and vibrant colors in the fabrics create a very cozy room!

A pair of beautiful upholstered chairs next to a fireplace is hard to resist! Laurey Glenn

A cozy dining nook is so inviting, the colors the beautiful prints on the wall and all the little touches make this a place that welcomes you, Southern Accents

How inviting is this sleeping porch? This is soooo cozy!! Love it...Johnny Valiant photo

How inviting is this country bedroom? I want to jump right in! Myhomeideas

A cozy backyard? Absolutely when its this lush and inviting....

Though very grand, this magnificent library succeeds in being incredibly cozy, I could so see myself in there with a fabulous book and a steaming cup of hot chocolate on a rainy or snowy day!

I want to be a kid again! This is the ultimate cozy, inviting and very beautiful kids room! (with a view)

Beautiful plants, and outdoor/indoor furniture make this outdoor porch feel like a living about inviting! Southern Living

Hope you enjoyed my take on "cozy and inviting". They come in a wide range of styles, sizes and colors, to me its all about finding the right combination of comfortable seating, soft lighting, cozy textiles like pillows and/or throws or a rug, and of course when you get the bonus of having a fireplace or extraordinary view, thats just icing on the cake! Do you have a favorite room here or any secrets you care to share? Thank you and hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Hi to Tina and Julia. Lovely to find another great blog for a new blogger like myself. ! am so hooked and can't get enough!! That library is my room to the last book and personifies cozy for me with the colour palette and earthy hues, I am right at home as well as in that back yard just above it. Love lush love it! Great post as always and glad to find Julias blog as well. thanks


  2. I am thrilled to find your blog through Tina, and of course, her guest post is fabulous!! Love her beautiful style and her home...breathtaking!! Tina, I just want to jump in each and every delicious space ~

  3. Nice to discover a new blog! Love this post as I am all about cozy, my own home is rather small (about 3000 sq feet) but everyone always compliments me on how inviting and cozy it is. I love how elegant all of the above rooms are but so cozy, the outdoor spaces are equally wonderful. Terrific post-

  4. Good choice, Julia! Tina, I like the log-cabin bedroom and the luxurious library the best. My hubby and I dream of having a log home someday...and for a bibliophile like me, it MUST include a library! :)

    Really enjoyed this. Thanks!

  5. Lovely spaces as always Tina! And Julia, I am addicted to Dr. Pepper too. I can't get enough of the stuff and even though I am not from Texas - everyone asks me if I am! Beautiful blog!

  6. Hi- coming from Enchanted Home.
    Love these cozy spot! So inviting,
    especially love that last porch and
    that first bedroom reminds me a lot
    of my childhood bedroom. All
    very beautiful. Funny how you love
    Dr. Pepper!! I just discovered it about
    a year ago and can't stop drinking it!

  7. Such great spaces. I love the bunk bed and
    the pine bedroom and the outdoor porch the most.
    The library despite how grand it is, is also
    very inviting and I could see spending a lot of
    time in a room like that. My coziest room in
    my own home is a very small office off the kitchen
    that I turned into my own cozy little nook-love
    spending time there! Great post and lovely blog!

  8. So happy I was directed here! LOVE finding new great blogs! So inspired by all this talent!! And the rooms are gorgeous.

  9. Tina has the most impeccable taste in the blogsphere, I smile and get inspired with every single of her posts!

    Hugs & kisses from Rio!

  10. canNOT stop gaucking at the sleeping porch... that aqua trim is TO.DIE.FOR!
