Monday, July 25, 2011

making the move...

We have spent the weekend moving. Making trip after trip... old house... new house... old house... new house. Loads of fun, let me tell ya. And I keep thinking that after 4 moves in 5 years we should be better at this by now. Or at least not have so much crap.

We returned last weekend from the trip of a lifetime... all tan and elated from our beautiful Alaskan adventure... while reality just waited to smack us right in the face. We unpacked from our trip... I did laundry... but only to pack clean clothes right back up. Basically, last week was lived in complete and utter chaos. Here's the proof...

Then we started the trips. Every night last week we took a couple of carloads of crap, (ahem, I mean our precious valuables) and took them to our new house. We even revived the truck and filled it up with stuff so it could putter it's way to the new house.

Then we cleaned and scrubbed... swept and mopped... sigh... the joys of renting a 100 year old home. We gave the floors our best effort and were at least able to remove a thick layer of dust and dirt, but the rest is just credited to "character" and we'll leave it as is. Don't even get me started on the bathtub. Gag. Saving that for a full post of it's own.

We rented a truck and moved all of the furniture in this past weekend. Now we're just trying to find a home for everything. Little Cat seems to like the new place so far, which is good, since he is now officially an indoor cat only... no more of this in & out business. Hopefully we'll have some more photos soon, as we continue to make this house a home.


  1. Congrats on the new home! You will be settled before you know it. Can't wait to see photos. :)

  2. I hear ya, girl...we moved in here less than two months ago. Not quite the same, but I can definitely relate. :) I'll be thinking of and praying for you as you get settled. I know you can do it...and I can hardly wait to see the wonderful results!! :)

  3. Doesn't moving make you want to throw everything out and just start over? It's why I keep resisting buying new stuff right now, because I know someday we're going to pack up this place and actually live somewhere else with enough space for three girls and all my books. Good luck with the unpacking!

  4. I'm sure the packing up was not so fun but I've always thought the unpacking to be a lot of fun! Can't wait to see it all once you're settled!

  5. First congratulations on your new home...exciting stuff!!!! Wishing you luck, pace yourself come up for air and enjoy the excitment of a new beginning! Remind me that I said that when I am moving in a month or

  6. loving the pic of the truck. glad she could help out in the moving process. now that you've got a bigger place, we are coming for a visit...all four of us! love you guys and see you soon!! yippee!
