Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the very real magic of the magic eraser

Once upon a time there was a boy and girl that moved into a fabulously old house.

But in this fabulously old house was a very evil, dirty bathtub. This bathtub was the queen of filthiness... the dirtiest bathtub in all of the land. The boy and girl decided they simply could not bathe or shower until the filthiness of the bathtub was destroyed.

The girl scrubbed and scrubbed with all of her might. But the power of the dirty bathtub was too strong for her. She tried everything... but the filthiness was just too powerful.

Then, one day the boy came home with something very special... the Magic Eraser. This eraser claimed to have real magical powers.

And real magical powers it had indeed! The boy and girl were amazed by the work of the Magic Eraser. The Magic Eraser lifted up dirt and scum that had lived in the bathtub for decades.

The boy and girl celebrated their triumph over the evil, dirty bathtub. They sang and danced and had a feast (okay, not really), but they were happy to finally be able to shower.

This is a true story of the very real magic of the Magic Eraser. It's powers are real. Even Little Cat can hardly believe it.


  1. Now I know what to get when I really need to clean! I wonder if it would get rid of the old lines in the toilet?

    Now, do you know how to get rid of those non-skid stickers in the bottom of the tub that WON'T COME OFF??

    (By the way-cute cat. :) )

  2. Freaking adorable. I love little know he wants no part of the bathtub he's just a curious little thing.

  3. I really do not know what people with children did without the magic eraser! It truly is amazing! I don't even care of the kids color on the walls anymore. It comes right off with the magic eraser! Tip- the off bran does not work as well! Love Love your new house!

  4. julia, you know how i hate lol, so i'm not using it. but this post literally made me laugh out loud. :)

  5. somebody needs to email this post to mr. clean. they will surely pay you lots of money to put this on a commercial.

  6. LOVE Magic Erasers. They are a toddler-mommy's best friend.

  7. Funny! Good call, Lance. Magical, indeed. ps... pretty much in love with the new house, just sayin.

  8. And someday when you become a mommy you will write a similar blog about it's powers over ink pen hand outlines on closet walls. Joshua says you should send this to Mr. Clean and see if he sends you free ones!

  9. There's nothing I hate more than a nasty bathtub, but I do love my Magic Eraser! It works wonders on lots of things around the house.

  10. This post made me laugh, seriously. We went through about 20 of the Magic Erasers on the ceramic tile flooring in our kitchen when we moved in. I couldn't believe the filth that came off with those erasers. Your bathtub looks great now! Love the photos showing the progression! :)

  11. truly magical. i love the magic eraser. i love that last pic of Little Cat peering into the tub.
