Thursday, August 11, 2011

thankful thursday {link up}

Be sure to link up your own Thankful Thursday post below or over on Jamie's blog.

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Home sweet home. I am so, so, so happy to be home for a while. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed... unpacking my suitcase... meeting my new neighbors... even doing laundry.

2) My new closet. In the new house we had one really tiny little closet in our bedroom... just barely big enough for Lance's clothes, much less any of mine. Lucky for me, I happened to have an unusually large laundry room and a handy-dandy husband. And sure enough, in no time, Lance had built me a fabulous place to hang all of my clothes. New closet equals happy wife:)

3) The lawn fairy. There really is such a thing! The lawn fairy happened to visit us this past Tuesday night while we were at our community group. We left the house at 6:00pm, talking about how bad we really needed to mow the lawn... then we returned at about 10:00pm, to a perfectly mowed yard! Swear. The lawn fairy, I tell you!! Let's just say we have some really amazing friends.

What are you thankful for this week? Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below.


  1. Awesome. Wonderful. All of it. :) <3

  2. Wow, you did a lot of stuff!! Happy summer days!

  3. Thanks so much for visiting my I'm THANKFUL ON THURSDAY linkup. I didn't know we both got the same idea at about the same time. If you'd like, we can co-host a single linky. Let me know!

    ncsue0514 at msn dot com

  4. Great list and I bet you are glad to be home. Have a great weekend!

  5. Wow, a lawn fairy! Looks like you had a closet fairy too! NICE!
