Tuesday, August 30, 2011

top 10 :: reasons why snail mail is better

I'm a huge fan of old school snail mail. Nothing quite beats opening up your mailbox and seeing that one handwritten envelope mixed in with bills and marketing ads. About a week ago, I received the absolute kindest letter from a family member. It was such a pleasant surprise, and the letter came on a day that I really needed it. She will probably never know quite how much her handwritten words touched my heart, or the power of her encouragement. And sure, if she had emailed me, the words would have still been extremely thoughtful, but there is just something about holding the paper in your hands while you read... reading a letter in someone's handwriting is almost like hearing their voice... I can't quite describe it. Regardless, I'm a huge advocate of snail mail... and here are 10 reasons why you should be too...

1) It's a good excuse to buy stationary. {photo}

2) You get to pick out pretty stamps at the post office.

3) You can practice your penmanship.

4) It's a great way to get rid of that stationary you've had since 6th grade.

5) Your words become so much more genuine when written in your own handwriting.

6) You're much more likely to reminisce over old letters.

7) You get to put that little red flag up on your mailbox.

8) It's a good excuse to find the perfect ink pen.

9) You can reflect your mood by changing your handwriting.

10) You have the ability to make someone's day. {photo}

So... go ahead... pull out that pretty stationary and favorite ink pen... put your handwriting on paper... splurge on a $0.44 stamp... make someone's day... I promise you will.

Linking this up at Oh Amanda.


  1. I LOVE a good pen - I'm a bit OCD about it, in fact.

  2. Thats a great idea! My sister in law sends me letters and I absolutely LOVE it! I'm going to write one today :)

  3. I love getting snail! I think I had about a million pen-pals when I was younger... lol

  4. i concur:). just finishing writing some thank you notes with a pen on stationary...

  5. Love Snail Mail! Love to write notes and letters, with fabulous, fun stationary and of course the perfect pen is a must!

  6. You definitely made my day when you sent me that little package. We still need to give it a try. I'm holding out for now since i'm on a low carb eating plan. I still am so thankful. Such a sweet thought. ;)

  7. Haha! It IS fun to put up the little red flag on the mailbox, isn't it? And totally agree about needing a good pen. :-) Fun list!

  8. Miss Parker is precious, as you know. My favorite is number 5.

  9. LISA FRANK!! i'm getting out stationary tonight and writing a few letters that i've been meaning to write this week!! i LOVE snail mail too...my sweet grandmother writes me almost every week and I LOVE IT!!
