Monday, September 26, 2011

locust grove antique fair

Yesterday I headed out to the semi-annual Antique Fair at Locust Grove. You may remember me sharing some tips from when I went earlier this year. I'm not quite sure what it is about antique fairs that get me all giddy... it's like a treasure hunt of sorts. This time my friend Allie went with me... we armed ourselves with seasonal drinks from Starbucks (I tried the Salted Caramel Mocha, recommendations of Flossie from last week's Thankful Thursday, and it was delish)... then we prepared to pick through rows and rows of antique fabulousness...

This fair did not disappoint. There were treasures everywhere. I was also playing personal shopper for my sister in Alabama, who was on the hunt for some creative storage solutions... so, lucky for you, I took plenty of photos this go around. Here are some of the treasures we spotted...

I loved this piece. I had it in mind for my sister... but secretly wanted it for myself. It would make an adorable little craft caddy or desk organizer. But at $32, we both passed... although now I'm wishing I would have tried to bargain with him... love that red color!

This was a beautiful little tin case I spotted... it opens up and has lots of compartments and a removable tray. My secret phone shopper (sister) decided to go ahead and snatch this one up. They were asking $25, but I was able to talk them down to $20. I thought it would be perfect as a jewelry organizer or maybe on the desk for paperclips and post-it notes... my sister and her husband had the idea to use it as a medicine cabinet... leave it to the future pharmacists to think of that one.

I loved this wire basket... but at $30 we decided to pass it up.

And how about this adorable stool?!? We loved the color... but at $75, we decided we didn't love the color that much.

This was my sister's other phone purchase. An adorable yellow wooden crate that more than likely was used for glass soda bottles back in the day. I recently purchased a Coca-Cola one almost identical to this one. We paid $15 for this guy.

I loved all of the wire storage baskets... everything is prettier when stored in a wire basket, don't you think?

And how about these beautiful metal bins? I loved these! I loved them even more since there were 2 of them. But we passed them by... I was trying my best to hold out for a special purchase.

My friend Allie found her special purchase! How cute is this chair?!? And there are 2 of them! We were in love with the color... so happy and bright. The best part? She bought both of them for $36! They were originally marked at $28 each. One of the advantages to shopping at the very end of the fair... and only having cash with you. Great find Allie!

Okay, I know this isn't a great photo... but how cool is this old wooden cart? You can't see, but there are these awesome wheels in the middle... I'm sure this thing weighed a ton. Wouldn't this make the best coffee table?!? Well, at $350, it wouldn't be our coffee table... but none-the-less... this piece was awesome.

How about some old skeleton keys? This was on my sister's wish list, so you can imagine my excitement when I spotted this huge bundle of skeleton keys. Unfortunately, they were being sold as an entire set... for $90. Yeah, probably not.

But then I went back to the same dealer later in the day to see if he would be willing to split the skeleton keys up. The only problem was, he wasn't sure if he could actually get any of the keys off. But lo' and behold... there was a section of about 5-6 keys that we could get off and he was willing to sell for $10... sold! I think I will keep one of the keys for my hard work:)

And of course the one thing I didn't take a picture of was my purchase! I was on the hunt for some type of storage piece/shelving unit that I could use in my closet... and I found the perfect piece! A beautiful solid walnut 5 tier shelf with the perfect dimensions. It's so pretty that I'm not quite sure I want to put it in the closet.

Overall, it was a very successful antique fair... as evidenced by our trip home:)


  1. Darn! I wish I would have known about it. It looks like you guys found lots of good stuff. If you know of any other upcoming sales like this, let me know.

  2. Looks like a great trip! You were quite successful. I always feel like antique fairs can be so hit or miss. Yours was definitely a hit. :)

  3. Yay for Starbucks! Glad you liked the drink.

  4. How fun! I wish I had been with you and Allie. I love that yellow crate and Allie's chairs!

    miss you, love you, mean it.

  5. Oh, this is sad. I'm in Louisville, too, and I forgot all about the fair this year! That crate is awesome; I would have loved to have snagged one for such a great price!
