Thursday, September 29, 2011

thankful thursday {link up}

{link up your own thankful thursday post below}

Soooo glad today is Thursday! Not sure about you, but this has just been a crazy, whirlwind week... but, as always, I have so much to be thankful for! This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Girl's weekend! A much-needed one. This weekend I am heading to Columbus, GA to see 3 of my absolute-most-favorite girls in the whole world. I played volleyball at Troy with them and lived with 2 of them for 4 years... you might know one of them from here. These girls are like sisters to me. And we have much to celebrate this weekend... as one of them just had a beautiful baby girl (her first) and another one just got engaged! Lots to catch up on, I'd say.

2) Finally mailing my "just moved" cards. I mean, it's only been over 2 months since we actually moved... and I've had the cards for about 3 weeks now... better late than never. I ordered them from vistaprint, which is where I order practically everything from, and I absolutely love them. Some of you might be seeing them hit your mailbox any day now:)

3) My sister. Who happens to be AWESOME. Oh, and who happens to be turning 25 tomorrow! I love this girl more than anything and am so thankful that she is not only my sister, but also my best friend. Happy birthday Jenna... I'm mailing your totally-amazing-I-thought-about-stealing-it-birthday-present today! Love you.

What are you thankful for this week? Feel free to link your own Thankful Thursday post below...


  1. I'm thankful for you, JLB! Have so much fun this weekend and tell Amy I miss her in blogland. xoxo

  2. how fun to be getting together with those girls! hope ya'll have a wonderful time together!

  3. Great list this week! Your weekend is going to be so much fun!

  4. I can't believe it's already Thursday either!!! Hope you have a super weekend. ;)

  5. uhh are you DRIVING to Columbus?? I'm sure you're flying, because otherwise I would expect that you would be stopping in Birmingham on your way back, RIGHT?? haha. LOVE YOU!!
