Tuesday, December 6, 2011

top 10 :: things i love about christmas

This list could easily stretch beyond the standard top 10, but for the sake of self-control, I'll limit myself.

Here are the top 10 things I love about Christmas...

1) The sparkle of Christmas lights.
That magical twinkle gets me every time.

2) Wrapping presents.
Call me crazy... but I love wrapping presents. And I'm talking boxes, wrapping paper and ribbon... none of that gift bag crap. I think it has something to do with my obsession for paper and scissors.

3) Hot chocolate.
With marshmallows. Or a Starbucks salted caramel mocha will do... or a caramel apple spice... hmmm... or eggnog.

4) Watching Christmas movies.
Really, any Christmas movie will do... but Home Alone, Christmas Vacation and Elf are my top picks.

5) Visiting family.
I realize that for some, Christmas can be a very lonely time... I am grateful that Lance and I are able to spend Christmas with those that we love. But I also want to share that love with those that might not have family and friends nearby.

6) Traditions.
Old and new. There are certain traditions I cherish from my own childhood and then there are new traditions I'm looking forward to starting with my own family one day.

7) Christmas caroling.
Which I will be doing tonight, thankyouverymuch. I love to see the faces of neighbors as they stand in their doors and listen.

8) Making Texas Trash.
Don't know what that is? Then you're missing out. It's basically a homemade, glorified batch of chex mix. We make a ginormous batch to divi up and give to friends and neighbors.

9) Giving gifts.
I love giving gifts... everything about it. Wrapping them all pretty (see #2)... mailing them to far away friends... seeing the joy on the face of the recipient... all of it.

10) The birth of Christ.
Recently I have been thinking a lot about the True Gift... the reason why we celebrate Christmas to begin with. And while my top 10 list could extend forever, all of these things mean nothing without the birth of Christ.

What do you love about Christmas?

Linking this up to Oh Amanda's Top Ten Tuesday... which I noticed she has a Christmas themed list this week too... with some really great links.


  1. The Christmas movies that you listed are definitely my favorite Christmas movies, too!

  2. I found you through Oh Amanda and seems like you and I blogged on the same topic! Make sure you stop by and say hi!

  3. What a fantastic post!! I love gift wrapping, but by the 4th or 5th gift my creativity is done - so I keep satisfied with color coordinated wrapping paper so at least the gifts match under the tree :)

  4. Great post. You answered the question on my blog today re: favorite holiday movies. You have some good ones! :)

  5. You are right Julia... there would be NO Christmas without CHRIST! May we never forget that!
