Tuesday, January 24, 2012

top 10 :: advantages of traveling for work...

Initially I thought I would do a top 10 list of things I don't like about traveling for work... because, believe me... I can rattle off that list pretty quick. But the truth is, I work for an amazing company that provides me with a tremendous opportunity to be able to work from home the majority of the time. So, the fact is, I have nothing to complain about, and there are some pretty awesome perks to traveling for work... like...

1) I actually watch the news.
...and listen to it. Only when I'm traveling do I actually watch the morning news... or listen to the radio on my short commute. I mean, heck, I actually watched the Republican debate last night.

2) I eat really, really well.
As in a company steak dinner tonight... woop, woop.

3) I get to see some of my favorite co-workers.
Probably my favorite part of traveling to the office is that I get to see 2 of my favorite girls!

4) I have learned how to pack a suitcase in 30 minutes.
Seriously... I am a packing machine.

5) I actually talk to people during the day.
...instead of my cat. This is pretty exciting for someone that spends the majority of their day working alone.

6) I can shamelessly read my favorite gossip magazine on the airplane.
Usually just People Style Watch... or maybe US Weekly if I'm feeling really scandalous...

7) I have become a master at airport security.
I can go through security with 2 laptops, a giant camera bag, and my ziplock bag of travel-size liquids like nobody's business.

8) I actually read books.
...like full chapters at a time. I just started The Happiness Project on this trip... so far, so good.

9) I know the Atlanta airport like the back of my hand.
I'm pretty sure I could walk from the terminal... to the baggage claim... then to the car rental station... all with my eyes closed.

10) Oh yeah... I get a lot of work done.
I get face-time at the office... with my boss and co-workers... which is always a good thing when you typically work from home.

Linking this up to Oh Amanda.


  1. Very jealous of your Travel for Work list! I would love to work from home and then travel from afar to the office every once in while....Great list! :)

  2. All awesome blessings about something where it could be so easy to focus on the negative!! Personally, I don't know how well I'd do being away from home for a solid WEEK every month (I'd miss Joshua SO much)...but even though you have to do it, I'm proud of you for making the best of it! :) Have a fantastic week, dear!

  3. I love all your positive points and who can deny a free flight to go and see your friends and co-workers every so often?? Steak dinners aren't so bad either! Way to go Julia!

  4. All great points! When I traveled for work there were never this many positives, I would spend 4 plus hours a day in the car for maybe a 1-3 at a site. Looks like you've got it down to a science. I do miss the mornings in pj's though:)

  5. My mom used to travel with her job a lot. She has been to cities & places the she never would have gotten to experience otherwise. She really loved it once upon a time. She's getting older now and doesn't travel quite as often but still enjoys the trips she does take.

  6. Great list. Jealous that you get to see one of my favorite girls (who works at your office). Enjoy your time in Atlanta! :)

  7. I like to travel for work as well, but don't get to as often as I wish to. Glad you're having a good time.

  8. Oh, man. I definitely feel ya. I travel a lot for work and I love to complain about it, but this is inspiring me to be thankful for some stuff around traveling! I particularly identify with #s 3, 4, 5, 6 (People Style Watch for me too!), 7 FOR SURE--BAM. and 9 (for my airport of course) and 10. Okay...I didn't realize it was gonna be that many until I started listing them! Haha. I'm traveling soon on 3 different trips in the next 2 weeks and I'll be keeping these things in mind when I want to whine...

