Wednesday, February 22, 2012

giving it up...

Yep. That's right. I'm doing it. All in this year. Giving up the ol' DP.

I am participating in Lent this year. First time Lenter here. I mean, I have gone to a few Ash Wednesday services back in the day, but I've never actually committed to the season of Lent.

Some of you may be wondering what the heck I'm talking about. What is Lent? (no... not the lint in your pockets... totally different) Lent is a season (Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday) that many Christians observe as a time to prepare their hearts for Easter. Many people participate in Lent by praying and fasting in order to focus their thoughts on Jesus and His great sacrifice. If you would like to learn more, I found this article to be helpful.

This year for the season of Lent, Lance and I have decided to give up soda. I wasn't entirely on board at first... I mean, I love me some Dr. Pepper. And I wanted to take the whole Lent thing seriously if I was going to commit. I started trying to think of other things I could give up... things that would be easier...

But then I realized... that is the whole point. It isn't supposed to be easy. It is supposed to be a sacrifice. It is supposed to be hard. The whole point of giving something up is to feel the void that it leaves. Not that Dr. Pepper is going to leave me heartbroken or anything dramatic like that... but I will notice. I will want one. And it is in that very trivial moment of Dr. Pepper detox that I want to remember the much, much greater sacrifice that Jesus made for me.

What about you? Are you participating in Lent this year? Are you giving something up?

Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
-Psalm 90:14


  1. I am going to try and if I do am going to try to give up chocoalte. This is the ultimate test of my willpower as I love chocolate more than words can convey, well not as much as I love Dr. Pepper:)

  2. Last year was the first time I had ever participated in Lent. I actually got started a few days late, but after a talk with a friend I gave up Facebook. Funny thing was, I noticed after a few days that I really didn't miss it all that much. While I haven't really decided yet (better be doing that!) I might do the same this year. While I enjoy it to keep up with friends & family who live far away, do I really need a constant accounting of everything someone I haven't seen in 10 years is doing?

  3. Julia, that is probably one of the simplest, gentlest and most clear explanation of the REASON for giving things up that I've ever seen. I understand how hard it is going to be to give up Dr. Pepper--my hubby is as addicted to it as you are!

    My mom gives up chocolate every year. I did that with her for a while. The last two years I gave up facebook, which was a blessing. But this year, instead of giving anything up entirely, I'm going to try to spend LESS time on facebook and reading the dozen-plus blogs I read every day, and read my Bible MORE.

    Blessings on your Ash Wednesday, dear Julia. :)

  4. I usually do not participate in Lent, but one time I gave up using the radio in my car. It wasn't for the whole year - only the Lenten season - but that was hard. The intent was so I could have more concentration and thinking for myself on the way to work. Good luck with your lack of DP.

  5. Good Blog Talk Julia! Hmmmm, now you have me thinking. I really like the idea of giving up Facebook. I know I am a FB addict and need to cut down! Thanks for the wake up call to LENT!

  6. I gave up Dr.Pepper a few months back. I've been trying to keep all soda pop out of the house.
    I LOVE Dr.Pepper. I wish they'd come out with an all natural organic type!!

    I've never participated in Lent.I always thought it was a Catholic thing but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give up something in the name of God :) Maybe I'll try it!

  7. Giving up soda is a great idea! I gave up Mello Yellow once in college (I went through a phase) and honestly, by the end, it didn't even taste that great to me anymore! I'm sure you'll do great!

  8. Yes first time participant as well! I'm giving up facebook, pinterest and just being on my phone in general during the week or when I'm with my family. Glad you're doing it too!

  9. Last year I gave up chocolate and volunteered with the Red Cross. After no chocolate during Lent, i found that I'm more controlled on my intake during the year. This year I've decided to give up on all sweets, chocolate AND candy. My dad tried to tell me to try giving up soda, but I've actually already kind of done that. :) I hardly ever drink soda at all anymore! Congrats!

  10. I gave up coca cola last lent season. And I know you love dr.p!
