Monday, February 6, 2012

right now...

Right now, I am...

...hearing Dave Matthews streaming on my Pandora station.

...adoring the photos I have been editing from this wedding.

...organizing our newly created pantry shelves.

...enjoying the space heater that I have hidden under my desk.

...contemplating a trip to Nashville in a few weeks.

...wishing that I made more time to read.

...savoring the large Dr. Pepper that Lance brought me from McDonalds this morning.

...planning up a storm in my new Erin Condren planner.

...missing the weekend.

Happy Monday peeps. What are you up to right now??


  1. ...drinking tea with cream
    ...taking pictures of brains
    ...reading your blog
    ...wishing i were home with my husband on his day off
    ...being productive at work
    ...wanting to finish my makeup magnet board
    ...needing to go to HobLob for the magnets for said board
    ...waiting for our first Monday CG.

  2. - Working on the pile of laundry overtaking our house.

    - Wishing we had a cat door so our kitten could go in & out on it's own.

    - Thinking ordering out sounds good for dinner!

    - Procrastinating sweeping & mopping the floors

    - Trying to figure out what we are going to do for vacation!

  3. eating a bowl of peanut butter cheerios-ha! who knew, right? they are good! but i need to mix them with chocolate that sounds good! and i miss the weekend too!!
