Thursday, February 9, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) My husband. Lance is amazing. Our time in Louisville has been so beautiful for our marriage. I love watching him minister... and even more, I love ministering with him. He cares for me and encourages me every day. I am so grateful that I am married to a man that is constantly seeking the Lord and challenges me in my walk. I love you, Lance.

2) Crystal Light packets. Specifically the wild strawberry flavor... that has caffeine in it... the caffeine part is crucial. In the mornings I have been substituting Crystal Light in place of my usual morning Dr. Pepper. And I have to say... the Crystal Light is actually doing the trick... the wild strawberry flavor is for "energy," so it includes caffeine and vitamin B. It perks up my morning just right... without the sugar crash that normally accompanies my typical Dr. Pepper.

3) Gummy Vitamins. And speaking of vitamins... whoever thought of gummy vitamins is pure genius. Especially whoever thought of branding gummy vitamins to adults. They are almost as awesome as the Flintstone vitamins. I'm taking prenatal vitamins these days, and the ones I used to take were freakin' horse pills... you can imagine my excitement when I saw that I could get my prenatals in gummy form!!

I always love reading all of the Thankful Thursday link-ups each week... they always make me smile. I especially loved this quote that Maria from Lil Mys Ninja posted last week...

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. Oh I wish they had made prenatal vitamins into gummies when I was preggers. I had the horse pills :)

  2. Gummie vitamins!! Genius! Horse tablets here too, blech!!

    Beautiful thankfuls :)

  3. I hate the prenatal vitamins. I can't keep them down. I do two Flinstone a day instead :)

  4. Hmmm...gummy prenatals. Might be making a trip to Target this weekend to search these out. I am currently taking the horse pills (and honestly tolerating them okay), but gummies would be so much more fun!

  5. The Target ones are SOOOO much tastier than the others (and cheaper!). Only issue is that they do not contain once will need that as a separate supplement. Glad to know you switched after I filled you in on the awesomeness!

  6. Prenatals? Did I miss a pregnancy announcement? If so, congrats!

  7. I wonder if "normal" non-prenatal gummie vits are good for you??
    HMM!!! I love gummies :D

    Thanks for linking up to my Thankful Thursday link-up! I love your thankful heart :)

    <3-Cami from First Day of My Life

  8. mmmmm....maybe I need gummy prenatals. Mine are gross but thankfully I can get them down.

  9. Aww thanks! I love when the quotes I find that inspire me also inspire others! I love sharing them for reasons like this. :)

    Love that picture of you and Lance! And that flavor of Crystal Light is my fav too!!

  10. Did we miss something about those prenatals? I love my Crystal light too. I drink about 5 packets in my water bottles daily!

  11. I am glad I am not the only one wondering...are you pregnant!!!?? If sooo AHHHH! But yes. I love the gummy viatims...I am horrible at taking pills. HORRIBLE. I am love that you listed your Hubby! So sweet! :D Have an amazing weekend! :D

  12. I took Adult Gummy Bear Vitamins because I couldn't swallow just the regular ones. Then they finally came out with Vitamin Petites! Love the inspirational quote too...I think I will steal it.

  13. I just might have to try the gummy prenatal vitamins! I've been taking prenatals since I was about 22 because my doctor recommends them for women in the child bearing years.
