Tuesday, February 28, 2012

top 10 :: reasons why february was awesome

Dear February,

How did you do it? How did you manage to turn a seemingly quiet, eventless month into sheer awesomeness? You turned simple, everyday moments into things worth remembering. I'm not sure if it was because of my new planner or my commitment to starting Project Life... either way, I found myself writing down the simple everyday things that make up life... the tiny things that I want to remember... the good... and the hard. For that, I am grateful.

You were a month of dinners with friends, baby showers, minimal travel, new drinks, and new experiences. And to top it all off, you're adding an entire extra day this go around... who knows what you have planned for tomorrow?

February, I think I love you.

Thank you for bringing joy to the everyday.



Here are my top 10 things that made February awesome...

1) My Erin Condren planner arrived... and was immediately put to good use.

2) We went to the U of L symphony both with friends and to watch friends perform. I'll definitely be doing this again.

3) I went to a baby shower in a Mexican restaurant... perfect combination, if you ask me. We celebrated with our friend Kristi, who just had her sweet baby boy yesterday!!

4) We watched the super bowl in our living room with some of our absolute favorite friends.

5) We ate dinner at with some friends... with the most adorable place settings, delicious food, and Coke in glass bottles, with real cane sugar (makes such a difference, no?).

6) We discovered a new speak-easy bar that has live jazz music on Thursday nights and amazing cocktails.

7) I finally got serious about organizing my pantry.

8) I celebrated Valentine's Day with my community group girls... you can't go wrong with chapstick and nail polish... and little mini pink laundry baskets;)

9) We drove to Nashville, TN to celebrate our friends Holly & John as they prepare to welcome their first baby in April.

10) We participated in our first Ash Wednesday service (and Lent season)... bright and early... but it was amazing.

There you have it... the top 10 things that made February awesome... or at least the top 10 things that I had pictures of:) Happy February!

Linking up to Many Little Blessings


  1. You really did have an amazing February! I can't get enough of my planner either! I have to admit when I came home and saw the box on the table, my first thought was, Why didn't he call me and tell me it came in the mail today? Poor hubs, doesn't have a clue:)

  2. PLEASE come organize my pantry. Or just the three different places I have food stored! You left out that Feb. is awesome because it's my birthday month :)

  3. Well, first -- your month looks like it was awesome!

    But, second -- that planner looks amazing! I'm such a sucker for that kind of thing. Now I want one. ;)
