Monday, March 19, 2012

letter a day

I have a sweet friend that will be going on her very first international mission trip in a few weeks. She is absolutely ecstatic... but a little unsure of what to expect too. She will be in Ethiopia for 11 days... I'll be filling up 11 cards and letters to give her before she leaves... full of quotes, scripture and my own words of encouragement.

The plan is that my friend has an envelope to open each day of her trip... starting at the airport and ending on that last plane ride home. All in hopes that she will be greatly encouraged and will remember to make each day count...

I had a very dear friend do something similar for me once a few years ago. I traveled overseas to Kazakhstan by myself... and those sweet notes of encouragement did wonders for me. I looked forward to reading them each day and they made any homesickness I was feeling vanish in an instant. I hope these will do the same.

PS... how awesome are my vintage number stamps?!? These are the stamps I bought during my visit to Franklin, TN last month... aren't they awesome!?!


  1. aww how cute! She is going to love it!!! And knowing her, you'll make her cry a little too :-) hahaha

  2. Those stamps are amazing! I think I will need them.

    She will treasure those letters so much. I did this for my husband years ago when he went on a trip for 12 days without me. He really liked them.

  3. I love this idea! Next time my husband has to be out of town for anything, I think I'll do something like this.

  4. What an awesome thing to do for your friend!
    Many prayers with her as she travels.

  5. love it! I did something similar the two times Josh has been on medical missions to Honduras since we've had kids. I printed several photos of the boys, and wrote notes on the back of them. I snuck them into the shirt pocket of the scrubs he packed for each day. Of course, on the second trip he knew they'd be there, but that first time, I was so excited about him discovering them on his first day there!

    I know your dear friend will be encouraged by your sweet words and thoughtfulness

  6. This is a really great idea. I'm going to have to remember this. Thanks for sharing... also, those stamps are pretty awesome. So are all the different color envelopes.
