Wednesday, March 28, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Leftovers. {photo source} Nothing beats a fridge full of really yummy leftovers... and after my family left last week... boy, did we have a fridge full of leftovers. Half a sandwich from one restaurant... a rack of ribs from another... leftover rosemary potatoes and greek chicken from our home-cooked family dinner... and enough hummus to feed a small country. We are finally nearing the end... with only a few potatoes and a little bit of hummus to show for our once-jam-packed-fridge. But we haven't had to cook or go out hardly at all this week... and that is something to certainly be thankful for.

2) Chicken wire. I know, I know... say what??? No... we do not own chickens... yet, anyways. But we did just use chicken wire to line the top of the entire fence in our backyard. You see... Little Cat has recently learned how to escape. Previously, we were able to just let Little Cat in and out of the backyard as we pleased, because he would pretty much just stay in the yard... that is, until he finally discovered a few weeks ago that he can climb fences... which meant I was trespassing into my neighbors' yard in the middle of the night to retrieve him... no good. But yay for chicken wire! No more midnight-cat-escapes.

3) A weekend with my husband. This will be the first weekend in a while that Lance and I will have some quality time together... and I am oh-so looking forward to it. Hoping for a low-key weekend with a date night on Friday and a lazy Saturday. I fly to Atlanta on Sunday for a full week at the office, then straight to Florida for a wedding... so I'm planning to soak up every second with the hubby this weekend:)

I always love reading all of the Thankful Thursday link-ups each week... some make me laugh, some make me nod in agreement, and some just warm my heart. I loved Jennifer Dawn's post over at Jennifer Dawn McLucas... while many of us are thankful for warmer weather and sunshine... she was thankful for snow... yes, snow... and the awe and wonder that accompanies it. It was a beautifully written post, with equally pretty photos.

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. Silly little cat ;) Yay chicken wire..heehee!
    Where in FL are you going? Have fun!!
    Leftovers are my fav...especially when they save me time <3

    As always - thanks for hosting!! ox

  2. i alway appreciate leftovers. enjoy your time with your husband! my husband is out of town for the week and i am really looking forward to saturday together. it is hard to not have quality time together - i hope you have a great weekend together!

  3. Yay for alone time with the hubby! It happens rarely around here but is much appreciated when it does. Hoope you all have a wonderful relaxing weekend :)

  4. oh, I had never thought to do that with chicken wire. and it works? awesome!

    found you via a thankful thursday link up, and I host one every week as well, so I had to say hello!

    enjoy that time with your husband this weekend! those are the best

  5. What a cool link party!

    I'm a new follower. I'm part of the Color My World Challenge. Can't wait to see what you do!

  6. I don't know that my fridge has EVER had that much food in it at once!

    Chicken wire is perfect for so many fun projects.
    Have fun with hubs, I have the whole weekend to myself while hubs works, I'm looking forward to sewing, mindless tv, reading and a morning of garage sales.

  7. I love chicken wire too- it keeps our little dogs confined to the backyard.
    Yay for quality time with your husband! It really doesn't get any better than that. ;)

    Thanks so much for the feature. You are incredible and I really appreciate you hosting every week!

  8. I see I'm not the only one with a stocked fridge!! :)
    Hope you both enjoy your weekend! I love quality time with my boyfriend so I can relate. Sometimes a low key lazy quality time is needed!
