Tuesday, March 27, 2012

top 10 :: things to do when your family visits louisville

My entire family was in town last weekend (well... actually Wednesday through Sunday)... my sister and her husband drove up from Birmingham and my parents flew in from Houston. We had an absolute blast. I thought since they were here for 5 whole days, that we would have all the time in the world... but we managed to fill every second of their visit... good food, cool tours, long walks, a little shopping... we even managed to sneak in a movie... if only we had another 5 days.

Regardless... here are the top 10 things to do when your family visits Louisville...

1) Take your family Christmas card picture... with baseball hall-of-famers in the background.

2) Eat really, really good food.

3) Take crazy pictures with crazy hats.

4) Hit home runs with Babe Ruth.

5) Go see a movie... complete with popcorn and candy. (we saw The Hunger Games... soooo good)

6) Go for a walk... and take a little break at Lynn's Paradise Cafe.

7) Hang out with your cousin... who also lives in Louisville:)

8) Enjoy some Grater's ice cream... a definite must.

9) Get some quality mother/daughter hangout time.

10) Enjoy a good family meal.

What do you do when your family comes to town? Anything special?
Linking up with Angie at Many Little Blessings.


  1. It looks like you had such a nice time! I love it when my family gets together. I just wish we all lived closer to one another.

  2. Yay Hunger Games....although I'm pondering a top 10 on why books are always better than movies. and p.s. awesome food.

  3. When my family comes to town, we go shopping at the mall. Every. Single. Time. And then we dream of taking them to a cool new restaurant. But end up at a Japanese Steakhouse. Every. Single. Time.

  4. We always take out-of-town folks to Lynn's. My friends from Atlanta look forward to it every time they come :) The Derby Museum is always a big hit, too.

  5. Looks like a great week! Way to go on getting that Christmas card pic done so soon:)

  6. Love this! And I saw Graters when I was in Ohio and Kentucky last week, but we didn't try it. Next time!

  7. Looks like you had such a wonderful time with your family :)

  8. It was the best time ever! I didn't even mind sharing the ONE bathroom with five other people. However, turning that little garage out back into the "In-Law's Suite" sounds good to me!

  9. Family visits are the best! Looks like your family had a really fun time!!

  10. Sounds like a great time!! I love having my family all together. But with two living in a different country it is really hard to do that. We now usually have to settle for the majority.
