Wednesday, April 11, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) My husband. I am so grateful for Lance. Really, he should be on this list every single week. I really missed him over the past week and it feels so good to be home. He is my best friend... he makes me laugh everyday... he cooks more than I do... he cleans the house when I'm gone... he buys me flowers "just because"... he encourages me in my passions... he seeks the Lord as he leads our marriage... Told you... he really should be on this list every single week. I love you Lance... thank you for all you do and how you bless our marriage.

2) Dr. Pepper. I know this seems pretty shallow to put on the list right under my husband... and it is... but people, I gave up Dr. Pepper for 45 WHOLE DAYS. That is a long time for a Dr. Pepper addict. I am still trying to keep my soda intake to a minimum, but that first Dr. Pepper I had after Lent was over tasted pretty darn good. And I will probably have one today... not gonna lie.

3) My college girlfriends. This past weekend I attended the wedding of one of my very dear friends. She and I played college volleyball together and were roommates for 4 years. It was so great to see not only her, but some of my other dear college friends too. These girls pretty much know me inside and out. We spent countless hours laughing on long bus rides...practicing on the volleyball court... having heart-to-hearts late at night... you name it... these girls know me and I am so, so thankful for them.

I always love reading all of the Thankful Thursday link-ups each week... some make me laugh, some make me nod in agreement, and some just warm my heart. Last week I loved reading Salena's post over from McKay Moments about her family's spring break and trip to the zoo... but my favorite part was #4... "home sweet home," mainly because I could relate so much this week... just like Salena said, vacations are great, but there's just something about having some down time at home. Amen.

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. I love list posts!

    I could write about my husband every week as well... Sometimes I have to try hard to think of something I am thankful OTHER than my Mr Cool.

    Seems our husbands are very similar {although mine doesn't cook} but he is a true blessing to me. I thank God for our marriage every day.

    You have a nice place to visit!


  2. There is NO place like home, that's for sure. And I agree, I should put my hubby every week!

  3. Dr. Pepper... Oh my. Soo good!!! One of my favorites!!!!! Mmm... There is something about the flavor that just draws you in... soo refreshing with a nice tall glass of ice.. Mmm...

    Dang it. Now I am going to have to go buy some!!!

    Thank you so much for hosting these! I love reading yours!!! Best friends are the best, aren't they? Something so special about it.. especially college best friends :) ohh the memories you must have!!!

    Happy Thursday!!!


  4. So lovely to take the time to be thankful for your husband. I am so thankful for mine as well <3


  5. I'm thankful for my husband too. They can sure be great guys. :)

  6. NOTHING should be considered shallow! You are thankful for thing that impact you in one way or another whether small or large! So be thankful or Dr Peller if you wish! :) This coming from someone who was thankful for bubble wrap a few weeks ago. ;)
    And I love "just because" flowers! They're so much better than special occasion flower in my opinion. Have a fabulous week/weekend!

  7. Yes ma'am, gotta be thankful for our hubbies and (from one DP addict to another) I saw nothing wrong with Dr. Pepper occupying the #2 spot. Oh, and I LOVE the #3 picture. What a beautiful bride she made. Sweet TSU girls.

  8. What a fun blog you have! New to your blog and so enjoying my visit here. I'll be looking forward to linking up to TT each week. You have such wonderful things for which to be thankful!

  9. Nice Thankful Thursday Julia! I too could list your Dad as the #1 husband in the world. Cooks, Sings to me, Fixes everything in the world and crazy in love with me. oops think I better post this somewhere... or at least tell him...ha! Love the photo of you and your girls! Fun weekend!
