Wednesday, April 18, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) My rose bush. We have this amazing rose bush in the front of our house. It was there when we moved in and I haven't killed it yet... pretty impressive, I know. I recently picked a few of the blooms for the coffee table and they make me so happy. And they smell so.flippin.good.

2) Date night. Lance and I are trying to do a better job of protecting our time together... and tonight, my friends, is date night. I'm thinking sushi and a movie at the house... yes... that sounds awesome.

3) Good friends. I had a rough day yesterday. But sometimes it's those rough days that make you realize how blessed you are. I am thankful for friends that simply just sit with you and pray for you. Thank you. (photo source)

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. Oh what a pretty rose bush and roses that is :) YAY! Love flowers..especially fresh!
    Hope everything is ok and things are getting better <3

    Thanks for the wonderful link-up!

  2. Gorgeous pics and definitely things to be thankful for!

  3. This is a perfect list! I'm planning on planting some flowers this year and rose bushes are at the top of my list. They are so beautiful and your right, they smell SOOO good!!!

    Lucky things, I'd give my right arm for once a month date nights :)
    Okay not literally but you get my drift. Hope you all enjoy.

    Good friends are so hard to come by. If you find one or two, your lucky. I have one REALLY (what I would consider) good friend. She's a gem!

    Have a good Thursday Dear!

  4. nights! Hubs and I are having a date night tonight too. Have fun :)

  5. I wish I ha a rose bush!!!
    My favorite date night thing to do is sushi and saki while talking all night. :)
    I've also put on my post about my friends

  6. Love the roses Julia! Remember ours from Portland, TX? Glad you are having a date night and glad you have such wonderful friends. Love you!

  7. Your roses are so pretty! Dates night=awesomeness.

  8. I would love a rosebush and LOVE Date Night!! lol Thanks for hosting!

  9. Beautiful Roses..And lucky you - date night!!
