Wednesday, May 16, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Havarti cheese.  Have you had this stuff before?!?  This is my new favorite sandwich cheese.  Sooooo good.  Munster cheese used to be the favorite in our house... until Lance brought home a package of Havarti one day.  Yum.  We buy it for sandwiches, but I usually end up eating it straight out of the package as a late night snack:)

2) My online writing class... which starts today!!  As a birthday present to myself for my 31st birthday, I purchased a spot in Ali Edwards online writing class, "31 Things."  I basically get a one-word writing prompt everyday, for 31 days.  I'm hoping that this class will encourage me to write more... to capture those little details... to transfer those memories to paper. 

3) My upcoming Houston trip.  Woop!  Woop!  My sister and I are both flying into Houston to hang out with my parents this weekend ...the best part?  We are redecorating their entire house while we are there!!  I am pretty pumped (in case you can't tell)... my sister and I have been putting a serious game plan together.  My parents already had most of the house (interior) repainted... so Jenna and I will be changing out some bedding, rearranging furniture, and sprucing up the decor.  Don't worry... there will be pictures!!

I always love reading all of your Thankful Thursday link-ups each week... some make me laugh, some make me nod in agreement, and some just simply warm my heart.  Last week I loved reading Christiana's post over at Sixth Lens... I love that she gave a shout out to REAL books on her list last week.  In a high-tech world of Kindles, Nooks and iPads, sometimes it's just nice to hold a real book... with real pages.  What can I say...  I'm a sucker for turning pages... I know, I know... call me old fashioned.

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. I'm excited for your writing class AND your vacation!! :)
    The writing class is a fantastic idea...I love it!

    I've never had that cheese before but will look for it next time I shop...I love me a good cheese :)

    Thanks for the fabulous linkup! Happy TT <3

  2. oh i am right there with you and real books. I have my iPad and I just can't bring myself to read a novel on it. HAHA. I want to turn the pages, and carry it everywhere with me and not stress if it's stolen because a book cost a lot less than an iPad. LOL

    Cant wait to see the pics of the redo of your parents house! have fun!

  3. Love havarti! Best of luck to you in Houston :)

  4. havarti is my fav! Its all we eat anymore and I usually buy the one with Dill. So good!

  5. Thanks for linking up with me! Have fun in Houston. I lived there for about 11 or 12 years!

  6. Thanks for hosting! New follower! Would love you to check out my blog and follow back! :)

  7. Yum....havarti. Love snatching it up when I catch it on sale! Can't wait to see the rents re-do. What a fun way to hang with your sis!
