Wednesday, June 13, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) My health.  Last weekend's kidney infection definitely reminded me to be grateful for my health.  I rarely get sick and am blessed to really have no major health issues.  So many people suffer from chronic pain and daily health problems... sometimes I forget to be grateful for those pain-free-completely healthy days.

2) Rainier cherries.  If you've never tried a rainier cherry, then you are seriously missing out.  Don't let their light pink/slightly yellow color throw you off, these cherries are sweet.  I may or may not have bought (and consumed) eleven dollars worth the other day...

3) Front porch weather.  The past few evenings have been so nice lately... perfect front porch weather.  Our front porch is perfect for reading a good book... editing some photos... catching up on the phone... watching fire flies... and eating rainier cherries... just perfect.  

I always love reading all of your Thankful Thursday link-ups each week... some make me laugh, some make me nod in agreement, and some just simply warm my heart.  But hands down, my favorite linkup from last week was Kelly's post from because she formally announced that she's expecting baby number two!!  Congratulations Kelly!!

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. I've never tried a rainier cherry - now I'll definitely pick up a few if I ever see them! Glad you're feeling better too. :)

  2. I've never had that type of cherry. or even heard of it. will be on the lookout.

    I LOVE fireflies. so magical. wish they were in Florida!

  3. Health, so thankful for it ... FOR SURE! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Mmm... cherries that sounds really good right now. Thanks again for hosting the link up. I always look forward to it.

  4. Love, love, love cherries! My husband not so more for me :)

  5. I'm obsessed with cherries!! I've gone through a (giant!) bag in, like, three days. Love!

  6. Health... AMEN <3
    Cherries are my favorite...did you read my blog post today?? hehehe...great minds think alike ;) ;)
    Enjoy the gorgeous weather :)
    Thanks for linking up & offering a wonderful linkup <3

  7. You are so lucky to have the nice gorgeous weather. Wish I could come over and sit on your front porch with you because here in Houston at 7pm at night it is still in the 90's!

  8. I'm currently experiencing front porch envy... our front porch isn't really a porch... more like a hobbit hole! : )

  9. i LOVE those kinds of cherries, but not regular ones too much. happy thursday!

  10. i LOVE those kinds of cherries, but not regular ones too much. happy thursday!

  11. i LOVE those kinds of cherries, but not regular ones too much. happy thursday!

  12. I spent a lot of time in Louisiana recently, and one thing that I am jealous of is the front porches. I always wanted a front porch. As a kid, I had visions of coming home after a date and doing that cute thing where you sit on a porch and you may or may not kiss. I had visions of enjoying lemonade on the porch as a kid, now we can change that to an ice cold beer. I love that there are fans on the porches. It looks like a good place to read a book. You can say hi to your neighbors. Clearly I've fantasticalized (not a word) the idea of the front porch, but I'm sticking to it. And maybe one day I'll have one :)
