Monday, June 11, 2012

weekend festivities... or lack thereof

Nothing like kicking off the weekend with an awesome fever and kidney infection.  Not sure if any of you have had the joy of experiencing a kidney infection before... if not, take my word for it... worst.thing.ever.  I had one about 3 years ago that lasted for 7 days straight and eventually resulted in a trip to the hospital... I literally thought I was going to die.  And because there was no way in hades I was doing 7 days of kidney infection ever again, this go around I politely asked the doctors to not mess around and give me the good stuff ASAP.  

I started my antibiotics on Friday and spent the weekend switching from couch-to-bed and fever-to-chills.  Awesome.  Not exactly the weekend I had in mind.

Me and Pinterest spent a lot of quality time together...

I also saw this as a great opportunity to have ice cream for dinner... in bed... don't judge.

Saturday night I thought I could handle a movie... probably not the best idea... but it was an awesome movie.  Lance and I went to see Snow White and the Huntsman... so good.  I should probably go see it again when I'm not running a fever.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling waaaay better.  Not quite 100%, but no fever, so definitely a good sign.  Slept in... went to church... then Lance and I enjoyed lunch at one of our favorite restaurants around the corner from our house, Eiderdown.  Super low key... which is just what I needed.
 Here's to hoping I'm on the road to recovery.

What about you?  How was your weekend?  


  1. i hope you're feeling better! my sister had a kidney infection a few months ago and she said she would've chosen death if the option was given to her!

  2. Oh my goodness! My heart hurts for you... I had a kidney infection about 9 years ago and you're right. Worst thing ever! Only I didn't know what it was, so I didn't go to the dr. By the time I finally made it the ER (in Christmas Eve), I had to have 2 bags of fluids and missed out on Christmas Eve service at church. NOT fun. So sorry you were sick! Hope you're feeling better!

  3. Had 1 a few years back that landed me in the hospital. I feel you! Hope you are feeling so much better this morning.

  4. Wow, so glad you finally kicked that ugly kidney infection! I was going to have to fly over to take care of you if you hadn't...Love you!

  5. Aww Julia
    So sorry to hear you were sick,
    I hope you are feeling much better now.

  6. Friend! I am so sorry. That sounds awful. Praying you are back to your spunky self soon.

  7. Hey Julia, sorry to hear you were sick over the weekend. Hope you get well 100% soon. My weekend was pretty low key also, a lot of laying around and doing nothing. Praying for your speedy recovery.

  8. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. I sure you are feeling better now girly. I can't wait to see that movie. It looks so good.

  9. Judge icecream for dinner? Psssssh. Jealous is more like it. Also, just keep thinking... almost vacation, almost vacation...
