Tuesday, July 17, 2012

{girls} weekend in review...

This past weekend was very much a girls weekend, if there ever was one.  With Lance out of town, I find it completely acceptable to deem every night, girls night until he returns.  This will mean: lots good food... great company... a few new drinks... more good food... shoe shopping... ice cream for dinner... fresh flowers... and more good food.  This weekend was the kick-off, if you will.  Let the girls' nights begin!

My girls' weekend started off with an awesome dinner at a new (to me) restaurant, RYE.  It was amazing.  Those dinner rolls alone were enough to seal the deal for me.  We decided to order family-style and just share everything... it was perfect.  I definitely recommend if you live in the Louisville area.

My pretty, pretty friends... Ashley, Amanda and Anne... apparently that was the "A" side of the table.

Me and my friend Bekah... we had to sit in the kitchen since our names didn't start with an "A."

After dinner, we headed down the street to Garage Bar for the remainder of the evening.  Another "must-do" if you live in Louisville.

Saturday morning I slept in a little, then headed to my favorite farmer's market... sparkly clutch still in tow.  Apparently I'm too lazy to switch my purses again... besides I think the pink in my shoe laces really bring out the pink vintage beading... don't you think? :)

So much color at the farmer's market this week... I can't believe this was my first Saturday to make it out all summer... I forgot how beautiful the fresh flowers are and how tasty the breakfast burritos are.  I also found my new favorite obsession... Instagram & Over... together.  Love being able to write on my photos before sharing:)

Got home from the farmer's market just in time to clean house and put my flowers in a mason jar... because two of my very favorite friends will be here any second...

YAY!!  My friends April and Amy drove all the way from Georgia to spend the rest of the weekend with me!  They finally arrived late Saturday afternoon... just in time for us to catch up a little, then head out the door to dinner at The Blind Pig (one of my favorites).

We left The Blind Pig, only to head upstairs to one of mine and Lance's favorite bars, MEAT (they don't have an official website, but here is a great review).  Just the atmosphere alone in this place is worth the trip.  It's this awesome vintage speak-easy bar that's tucked away and hard to find... which adds to the ambiance of it all.  We had a blast catching up and laughing on the corner sofas.

Sunday was church, then lunch at the Butterfly Garden Cafe.  I ordered the olive nut sandwich and it was amazing... but you really can't go wrong with that much cream cheese, now can you? 

Then it was off to the Zappos Fulfillment Center.  Yes, it's true... Louisville is home to the shoe capital of the world... Zappos.  Well, actually it's located about 15 minutes south of Louisville... but totally worth the extra effort.  Best part??  You can actually SHOP at the Zappos Fulfillment Center (yes, it's really called that... and yes, it's really quite fulfilling).  The shopping portion of the warehouse is what you might know as 6pm... they always have weekly specials and incredible weekend sales.  Booking your trip to Louisville yet?? 

Sunday night we walked around the corner to another one of my favorite eating spots... Eiderdown.  I order the spatzle every.single.time.  It's amazing.

We decided to take it easy Sunday night and just chilled at the house and watched a movie.  It was perfect.  Little Cat thought so too.  

Monday it was time for the girls to head back to Georgia... but not without a send off brunch at Lynn's Paradise Cafe.  April ordered the french toast... and HOLY.FRENCH.TOAST.  It was ridiculously huge... and tasty.

It was an amazing weekend... and I miss my girls already.  Good news though... I have enough leftovers in my fridge to last me for eternity.  I'll be eating burgers and french toast for breakfast, lunch and dinner all week long:)

Perfect weekend... perfect weekend indeed.


  1. That sounds like SO much fun. And you're making me hungry. If Joshua and I ever get around to visiting Louisville, you and Lance have the official position of restaurant recommenders. :)

    Also, girls' weekends are the BEST! My best friend Sara came for three days in May...AND I get to see her in less than two weeks...AND she's coming back a week before school starts so we'll get to hang out more then. :D We had an incredible time when she was here in May. :)

    Glad you had such a great weekend! When does Lance get back?

  2. Too bad it didn't work out for Ashley, Amanda and Anne to meet April and Amy...wow what an A+ weekend for you!

  3. I can't believe I live so close to Louisville and I've never been to zappos! Must remedy that soon.
