Wednesday, July 11, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Girls weekend!!  This weekend two of my very dear girlfriends from Georgia are coming in town to spend the weekend in Louisville!  There will be lots of laughing... eating... catching up... and maybe even a little shopping (don't worry April... not too much;)  It will be a fun-filled weekend, indeed.  

2) Sweet yellow cherry tomatoes.  Love these things.  They are the perfect summer snack.... they taste great with blue cheese dressing... and I can't wait to try them out with this tasty recipe.

3) Inspirational ice cream dates.  I had ice cream with a new friend yesterday... we talked about organizing... and goals... and resolutions... and life... It was so fun to talk to a co-type-A personality.  We talked about "life binders" and how she organizes hers... and how I can't wait to start mine.  It.was.awesome.  {photo source}

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. Love your list!!! I love girlfriends they are the best! :) I WANT TO MAKE A BINDER SOON TOO! I hope you post more about it later... to get ideas! :) Happy Thursday!!! Miss Thankful Thursday..Happy to be back! :)

  2. Mmmm..cherry tomatoes are one of my favorites!

    I have a life binder but it is in desperate need of some work :)

  3. girls weekends are the best, enjoy!

  4. love it! and your blog!
    new follower here :)

  5. Girl time is the best :) Thanks for hosting!

  6. I have a life binder too but it's in pretty sad shape right now!

  7. A girls weekend sounds divine. Those tomatoes look yummers.

  8. Girls weekend?! HOW FUN! Can I go? Haha :)
    Sounds fun!! ENJOY! You deserve it!

    I loooove tomatoes...especially cherry & grape..grape are my favorite!! I don't like blue cheese can keep that all for yourself ;)

    Thanks for linking up to Thankful Thursday with me at First Day of My Life!! :)
    Happy weekend! ox

  9. Yellow tomatoes are my absolute favorite! So yummy!

  10. I love the idea of an inspirational ice cream date! Love your post. Thanks for linking this up last week! I'm a bit behind, but wanted to let you know I appreciate you linking up! :)
