Monday, August 6, 2012

weekend festivities...

This weekend was pure craziness.  It was filled with shopping... and girlfriends... and amazing food... and margaritas... and more shopping... and decorating... and Olympics...  All around... a great weekend.  

I'm still in Atlanta for work.  Yes.  Still.  This is day 10.  To say I'm ready to go home would be a major understatement... but when I am in Atlanta, I always try to make the best of it... spending a large portion of my time catching up with old friends... especially if I'm here during a weekend.  And this weekend was no exception...

It started Friday night by meeting up with these two favorite friends.  We were on a mission for the weekend... to enjoy great company (check), catch up on life (check), laugh a lot (check), and buy some things to decorate Holly's downstairs guest room (check).
We started in West Elm and found the bulk of the bedding there.  We spent two hours arranging and rearranging different bedding options on their display beds.  We were told that the person that sets up the display bedding would not be happy with us the next day. 

After West Elm, we walked down to Rosa Mexicano for dinner and drinks.  Hands down, this place had the absolute best guacamole I have ever tasted.  It.was.amazing.  

As was the rest of the food... and the company.  Love these girls.

After dinner we just had to stop inside Kilwins candy shop... the window display was just to much to pass by without entering.  And even though I was stuffed from dinner, you better believe I didn't leave before buying a caramel apple:)

The three of us girls stayed the night in Atlanta, only so we could resume our shopping first thing on Saturday morning.  And we didn't mess around on Saturday.  We grabbed some quick breakfast, then made stops at Crate & Barrel, Z Gallery, Target, and TJ Maxx.

The car got fuller...

...and fuller...

...and fuller.

Thankfully we didn't have to drive far... only to where we left my car overnight... which was a good thing... I don't think my head could have held up those boxes for an entire hour drive home.  We finally made it back to Holly's Saturday afternoon... where the real fun began...

Holly and I started to piece the new room together and it looks so good!!  Full post coming soon... but here's a little sneak peek.  I love the bedding we came home with!

Sunday was just as great.  I went to church with my brother-in-law & sister-in-law, then met another girlfriend (you may know her from here) for lunch at a new(er) local cafe... Sweet Breads.  We both had the pimento cheese... totally worth the calorie intake.

Then dinner I was off to meet another dear friend.  This one I hadn't seen in over two years, so to say we needed to catch up would be a huge understatement.  Nothing beats a 3-hour dinner with an old friend:)

And now it's back to reality.  Hotel living for 3 more days... classy 1987 furniture... a suitcase wardrobe... and take-out dinners.  It was a fabulous weekend... but I am SOOOO ready to get home.

What about you?  What were you up to this weekend?


  1. Sounds like such a fun weekend of shopping and dinners and friends. We don't have many of the stores you mentioned around here, so I'd love to go there sometime soon.

  2. Well if you have to be away from hubby this would be the next best thing... and winding up in a retro hotel suite isn't bad either.

  3. Oh that car full of guys bought a person!!! ;)

    Seriously looks like you had a very fun time! yay!

  4. oh my goodness. so. much. shopping. at all of my favorite stores, love it :)
