Monday, September 17, 2012

a day in the life {little cat}

I've had some requests as to what Little Cat has been up to lately.  Ever since he was promoted in his line of work, he's been very busy.  It's a tough job maintaining both mine and his schedule... but he's a very diligent assistant... well, besides all the cat naps.  In order to give you a more accurate picture of what Little Cat's days look like, he asked if he could do "a day in the life" post... 

Sure thing LC... take it away... 

7:23am :: wake up

8:32am :: catch some morning cartoons

9:12am :: morning stretching and yoga

10:43am :: mid-morning cat nap

12:07pm :: lunch time... Panera, my treat...

12:58pm :: help with the dishes

1:34pm :: after-lunch cat nap 

3:14pm :: help with the laundry

3:42pm :: afternoon cat nap

5:03pm :: review the evening agenda

7:09pm :: game night... invite friends over for mexican train

10:34pm :: watch an episode of Gossip Girl

11:27pm :: nighttime reading

Little Cat keeps a pretty rigorous schedule... but that's the life of a working cat... it's hard work, I tell ya.

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