Wednesday, September 12, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Hot tea.  My throat has been killing me lately, so yesterday I decided to whip out the ol' tea pot and make me some hot tea.  There's just something about drinking hot tea in the morning that seems to almost slow life down a little... don't you think?  Yesterday I had some green tea, but my favorite is probably just some good ol' Earl Grey... with 2 spoonfuls of Splenda, of course:)

2) A shopping day!!  This past Saturday I met up with some girlfriends for some shopping!!  We spent the majority of our day in Forever 21... I could seriously get lost in this store (have I mentioned that the F21 in Louisville is GINORMOUS???)  Nothing beats hanging out and laughing with your girlfriends while you sift through the racks and racks of clothes.

3) My photography class.  I recently started a 5-week photography class with some super-artsy people at my church.  It's an awesome class for photographers of all degrees... beginners to professional.  This week we made our very own pin hole camera (which I've never done) and actually went around the neighborhood and took pictures using photographic paper and our pin hole cameras!  It was so cool!  Next week we'll be using our own cameras to capture the people and places that make up our neighborhood... I'm hoping to share more later:)

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

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  1. Soooo where is this Forever 21 you speak of in Louisville? Is it near the Zappos outlet?

  2. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

  3. Your F21 is awesome! Any store that takes over an entire department store has to be pretty darn big!

    I would love to go to a photography class. I was just thinking this morning how much I'd love to find one around here. You'd think there would be one but I've yet to find one. If you hear of one, please let me know!

  4. LOVE shopping days with girlfriends! There seriously is nothing better. :)

    (And how cool that you made your own camera! I seriously need to take a photography class...)

  5. I am so jealous of your shopping trip with the girls - I seriously need one of those days!! And I'd love to take a photography class, too :). Definitely a great list of things to be thankful for!
    Spilled Milkshake
    Spilled Milkshake Designs

  6. Sounds like you've been having some fun days! thanks for hosting!

  7. I LOVE Earl Gray tea...hope you feel better soon!

  8. Photography class sounds like so much fun! I hope I can take one eventually, even though it has nothing to do with my major.

    I love hot tea too. If you can stand it really hot with lots of honey and no milk, that's the best thing for a sore throat!

  9. Yeah for shopping day and double Yeah for shopping day with girlfriends. I need one of those days in my life :) I know what you mean about huge F21, the one in NYC is pretty big too. Makes it so hard to know where to begin and where to end.

    Hope your throat feels better. happy Thursday!


  10. New here :) thanks for hosting
    this wonderful/fun hop

    hope you feel better soon

  11. Love shopping days! Thanks for hosting!

  12. I hope you're feeling better this weekend!!!! oxox
