Thursday, September 27, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Progress.  Some of you may have already seen on Instagram or Facebook, but yesterday Lance and I went to get fingerprinted for our adoption paperwork.  This is necessary for the FBI background check they do on any parents seeking adoption... you know, to make sure we're not psychos or anything.  We still have a ridiculous amount of paperwork to complete, but getting this small task done before I leave for Atlanta made me feel so much better.  It's progress, people.

2) Hot showers.  I spend a lot of time being thankful for the unexpected, or seemingly "special," things in life... but rarely do I pause and give thanks for the everyday blessings that I so quickly take for granted.  Hot showers being one of those blessings.  It's amazing how much better I can feel after a hot shower, and I am truly grateful for the privilege to live in a house with not only a shower, but hot water too.

3) Wicked.  And the fact that I am going to see it TONIGHT!!!  I am beyond excited.  I love musicals... like dorkishly love them.  I haven't seen Wicked yet and it's been on my to-do list for quite some time... so to say I am giddy would be a major understatement.  I'm sure Lance is just as excited as I am... right, Lance?? ;)

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. I have been to many, many musicals and Wicked was by far my favourite- you are going to have the best time!

  2. Ooh, yay! Congrats on getting the fingerprinting part of the application done. One step done is one step done, right?

  3. I love this hop. I blog about something awesome to be grateful for:

    Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting.

  4. I would LOVE to see Wicked! We saw Phantom of the Opera one year for our anniversary. I loved all of it. Shawn loved it after the intermission when, and I quote, "The Phantom got mad and started killing people." Wicked is on my someday list.

  5. So excited about your progress with the adoption. I know you will write a wonderful detail full post about the entire journey once you have that sweet child in your arms.

    WICKED is amazing! I've seen it twice, broadway and off broadway. BEST MUSICAL EVER!

  6. Congrats on the Adoption Progress!! I am sure that is such a big (and important) step!! I think I also forget about the everyday things to be so very thankful for! And water/hot showers would be one of them! With out hot showers, life would a little stressful! I am so excite for you to go see Wicked!! I have been wanting to see it forever, but of course I don't live any where close to where it is playing! I visited New York a few years back, and got to see Chicago, that was amazing! Wicked is definitely on my list to see...I should add that to my Bucket List now that I think about it!!
    I am your newest follower! Found you over at Banana Clips, Music and Me blog!!

  7. Being one step closer in the adoption process is definitely something to be thankful for!

  8. Oh, hot showers are a wonderful thing in the morning!

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  9. I LOVED Wicked! So good! Have fun!

  10. I found your blog through Thankful your list. :-). I am now following you.

  11. Have fun at the show tonight! :D

  12. Do you have any more posts about your adoption process?? I'd love to read more. :)
