Tuesday, September 11, 2012

top 10 :: favorite tv shows

Fall means cooler weather... pumpkin pie... turning leaves... and FALL TV!!

Well, crazy enough... Lance and I just canceled our cable... last week.  In an effort to save some money Lance and I decided we could do without the big-money TV channel packages and canceled our Direct TV account.  (Yes, Lance canceled right before football season... I know, I was shocked too).  But turns out you can practically watch anything online these days... and heck, bunny ears still work like a charm, believe it or not.  So... thanks to Netflix and Hulu Plus (and the bunny ears), we still have our favorite TV shows at our fingertips.  Here's our top ten...

1) New Girl
I mean, how can you not love Zooey Deschanel?!?  She cracks me up on this show... absolutely adorkable.

2) Once Upon a Time
No doubt, this is the show I am most looking forward to starting back up this fall.  September 30th people.  Can't wait.  If you missed out on season one, I highly suggest you go to the store right now and buy it... and watch all of it before September 30th... yes, do it.

3) Big Bang Theory
This one's been a long time favorite of ours.  Dork or not... this show is awesome.

4) Gossip Girl
This is my new guilty pleasure.  I started season one when Lance was on his trip to Turkey... and now I'm in the middle of season two.  Too far to look back.  Yes, I know... this show is for 15 year olds... whatever... don't judge.

5) Pretty Little Liars
Okay, okay... now you can judge.  I might as well be 15 years old.

6) How I Met Your Mother
This one is definitely one of my favorites.  If you aren't watching How I Met Your Mother, then I'm sorry, we can no longer be friends.  Barney rocks.

7) Modern Family
This one always brings the laughs.  Awkward and hilarious all at the same time.

8) Grimm
This is one of Lance's regulars.  I've seen the past two episodes... and now that I kind of know what's going on, I'm starting to get hooked.

9) Glee
This show was really hit or miss for me last year... but let's be honest, I'll be checking in this season to see what life is like for the graduated Glee stars.

10) Ben & Kate
This is the one new show that I'll be adding to line-up this year.  Not sure if it will last, but the previews look pretty funny. We shall see.

Only a few of these are non-negotiables for us... but now that we don't have cable, it will be interesting to see which shows actually make the cut this year.  Thank goodness for Netflix and Hulu, right?

What about you??  Do you have any favorite TV shows??  Any non-negotiables?  Old or New?

Linking up with Angie at Many Little Blessings and Lena at Mom 2 Memphis & Ruby.


  1. I LOVE those shows! Our lists are almost identical. We've loaded up our Instant Queue with a lot of those on your list and watch the rest online. How do you like Hulu Plus? I've been thinking about going to cancel cable route, too.

  2. I like dorky shows too. Some of my favorites are Drop Dead Diva (although I wasn't as pleased with it last season...I'll give it another chance though), Blue Bloods, Hawaii Five-O, and Bunheads. I've never been a regular watcher of Big Bang Theory, but the reruns absolutely crack me up.

  3. New Girl is my FAVE! Schmidt is perfection! ;)
    I host a Tuesday10 party... you should stop by! ♥

  4. Great list of shows! We are literally counting down until the new season of Big Bang Theory! LOVE that show! And New Girl is one of our favorites too! We cancelled our cable last year to save on $$ as well and do the same as you guys: Netflix, Hulu-plus and good old rabbit ears!

  5. We have a lot of the same favorites! Great picks. :)

  6. Oh my gosh, how do you do it?? 10 top shows AND you are active church members, have tons of meetings, your a photographer, an accountant, a blogger, jewelry maker and the list goes on... WOW, I'm IMPRESSED!

  7. i watched the pilot of ben and kate and loved it. definitely will be adding it to my line up. also, have you seen raising hope? it's awesome. :)

  8. Great list. You've got some of my favorites there too. Love Modern Family...Once Upon a Time ...that one took me a bit to really get into it, but I'm digging it and can't wait. Big Bang was a fav of my husband and I finally watched. I have to watch reruns all the time now too. I mean gazinga. Not to forget Glee although don't know where they can go now....and my standard How I Met your Mother. Still waiting on watching some back episodes. Great choices. I'll be following you Hope you can come and visit my little corner sometime. reinventingtheordinary.com

  9. Awesome awesome list. I forgot about Once Upon a Time - but I've been looking for a new show to watch, so that might be it. I should probably also catch up on Gossip Girl - I left off somewhere on Season 4...

  10. So glad i'm not the only one with a guilty GLEE pleasure! My sisters watch PLL, but only one of them is 15 :)

  11. That's an impressive list! Honestly, we don't watch much TV--we don't have cable either--but when we do, this is what we love:

    The Dick van Dyke Show. Our latest obsession. Thank you, Netflix. :) I mean, you can't get better than this: absolutely clean, family friendly, has a positive father figure, and unbelievably hilarious. Nothing better.

    Smallville. We have most seasons of this on DVD. I can happily admit that my husband has turned me into a geek.

    Big Bang Theory. Yep, geek, and proud of it. We rent the DVD's (from the video store that we live right above!), and my only regret is that they don't have the 5th season. Dying to find out what happens!

    Heroes. Again, thanks to Netflix, my hubby worked his way through this one really quickly. It's not my favorite--kinda dark and gory--but it was still fascinating. And had an incredibly complex storyline.

    That's about it...thankfully :D

  12. That looks like a fall full of laughter and drama. looking forward to Big Bang Theory, love that show and How I Met Your Mother.
