Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 days of change :: day 10 {change of heart}

So, I have this shirt...

It has hearts on it.

Like, all over it.  I'm kind of obsessed with it right now.  I'm not sure if it's the classic black & white colors... the fact that it's a button-down blouse... or simply, that it has hearts on it.  Probably the latter.

Remember when you were five and you were obsessed with a specific clothing item??  ...a dress because it twirled... a shirt because it had pink sparkles... socks because they had ruffles.  Well, I'm like that now... with my heart shirt... except I'm 31...

But a heart shirt is much more versatile than one would think...  no, really- it is... night hearts...

...board meeting hearts... hearts...

...casual hearts...

See.  You don't always need a change of clothes... sometimes just a change of heart:)

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy today.
 For the month of October I'm doing a 31-day series on "change."  Go here to see the full line-up of "change" posts.


  1. LOVE it!! Especially with the mustard yellow cardigan!! Very cute and sassy! :)

  2. Stopping by from PP-- That shirt is wonderful! If it comes from Forever 21, I was so close to getting it but the fit was just off. This shirt looks so great on you, and I love all the outfits you've created with it!

    Feel free to stop by my blog and follow if you'd like :)


  3. I want that shirt!! It is too, too cute. :-) Your last line made me smile.

  4. Love that shirt! I can't believe how much you can pair with that heart shirt, amazing! I am your newest follower, stopping by from the pleated poppy! :)

  5. You can do so much with that shirt. How awesome is that? I'm a wee bit older than you & I still have favorite clothes. It's okay.....

